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People For the American Way Signals Fresh Approach with New Visual Brand and Website

Press Release
Press Department
People For the American Way
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Washington, D.C. – People For the American Way is thrilled to announce that it is transforming its visual brand and website to signify a refreshed identity and mission for the venerable progressive advocacy organization founded by the late TV icon and American patriot Norman Lear. People For is proud to honor Norman Lear’s legacy and to carry it forward as the organization evolves for the second quarter of the 21st century.  

The new visual presentation embraces vivid colors, bold graphics and typography, and images of the real people who make up People For’s staff and supporters. The changes reflect how the organization has evolved under the leadership of President and CEO Svante Myrick. As our country has been tested in unprecedented ways, People For has become more nimble, more diverse, and more focused on the most urgent threats to our democracy.  

In addition, a fully redesigned website puts the focus on People For’s impact on multiple fronts in the social justice space. The website creates an accessible digital resource hub where supporters can find insights and analysis, as well as practical resources on how they can make change in their communities.

**See the new website here.** 

Today, People For the American Way represents a new vision of a multi-generational, multi-racial movement that is determined to make America live up to its promise for everyone

“After more than four decades of impact, we are modernizing and retooling with a new look for a new era of social change,” said President and CEO Svante Myrick. “As we go forward, we are fully prepared to make People For a force that will inspire and mobilize more Americans to create a vibrant democracy that protects freedom and justice for everyone, not just the wealthy and the powerful.” 

Before Norman Lear passed away at the age of 101, the People For founder had entrusted Svante Myrick with the awesome responsibility of carrying on his life-long work of challenging authoritarianism. Myrick, the first Black mayor of Ithaca, New York, grew up inside the People For the American Way organization. As president, he has revitalized the organization’s connection with artists, tapping world-renowned visual artists to produce provocative pieces to inspire voters; strengthened the organization’s political support of progressive candidates; presided over a campaign to achieve a record number of confirmations of federal judges with a deep commitment to civil and human rights; built an effective counterweight to the far-right Moms for Liberty, securing tangible wins for inclusive curricula and against book bans; and more. 

Moving forward, the organization will continue to have an enduring impact through the strength of its more than a million members and supporters, its access to Congressional insiders, its thought leadership, its research, and its role at the forefront of multi-interest progressive advocacy coalitions that are making change for real people, every day.    

About Us 

People For the American Way is a national progressive advocacy organization that inspires and mobilizes Americans to defend freedom, justice, and democracy from those who threaten to take them away. For more than four decades, we have been dedicated to making the promise of America real for everyone and have worked toward a vision of a vibrant America where basic rights and freedoms are upheld for all, not just the wealthy and the powerful. Learn more: