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People For the American Way Launches Hard-Hitting, Bilingual Radio Ad Campaign Exposing the Risks of Trump's Project 2025 and Election Interference

Press Release

This week, People For the American Way launched new radio ads aimed at eligible Black and Latino voters in Allentown, Harrisburg, and Reading, Pennsylvania, emphasizing the importance of voting against Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans who want to take away freedoms and silence voters, so they can enact their unpopular Project 2025 agenda and legitimize their attempts to overthrow the will of the people. 

"Donald Trump has no plan" and "Donald Trump lies about Jan. 6," which will air in English and Spanish now through Election Day on November 5, features a narrator who highlights Trump – in his own words – pushing lies, repeating bizarre boasts, and demonstrating his indifference to the real needs of the American public. Listen to each ad here. 

"In Pennsylvania and across the country, it is vital for us turn out in record numbers for our freedoms, our families, and our futures," said People For the American Way President Svante Myrick. "Donald Trump's only interest is fighting for himself, not the rest of us. In this year's election, every eligible voter should cast a ballot to protect our freedom to vote; our freedom to have an equal say in the decisions that impact our lives; and our freedom to elect leaders who prioritize the interests of the people."  

"It's important to understand the motives behind Trump's lies and the Project 2025 agenda written by his MAGA Republican friends," said People For the American Way National Political Director Markus Batchelor. "Trump wants to divide the country so he can take us backwards, and the only way to move us forward as a country is to work together to get out the vote between now and Election Day." 

Recently, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that in Pennsylvania voters could have their mail-in ballots thrown out if they do not write accurate dates on envelopes. According to reports, this might negatively impact older voters who are more likely to have mail-in ballots invalidated because of problems with exterior envelope dates.  

By this November, eligible Black voters are expected to comprise 14 percent of all eligible voters in the U.S. Latino voters are expected to comprise 12 percent of all eligible U.S. voters, which is estimated at 36.2 million Latinos, up from 32.3 million in 2020. In 2022, Black voters in Pennsylvania represented 11 percent of the state's voters. Latinos currently represent 5 percent of the state's electorate.

Listen to each ad here


"Donald Trump has no plan" 



VO: Donald Trump loves talking about himself... 

DONALD TRUMP: We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics. 

VO: But when Donald Trump is asked about our problems?  

DEBATE MODERATOR: So just a yes or no, you still do not have a plan?  

DONALD TRUMP: I have concepts of a plan... 

VO: There he is lying again. Donald Trump's plans are more than a concept. His project 2025 agenda would drastically cut education funding, repeal Obamacare and take away a woman's right to choose. Let's show Donald Trump that America is not about him. It's about us. Our freedom. Our voices. Our future.  You can vote early or on Election Day, November 5th - so go to and make sure your voice is heard. 

Paid for by People for the American Way. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 

 "Donald Trump no tiene ningún plan" 



VO: A Donald Trump le encanta hablar de sí mismo... 

DONALD TRUMP: Tenemos los mítines más grandes, los mítines más increíbles en toda la historia de la política. 

VO: Pero cuando le preguntan a Donald Trump sobre nuestros problemas? 

DEBATE MODERATOR: Solo un si o un no, todavía no tiene un plan? 

DONALD TRUMP: Tengo conceptos de un plan... 

VO: Ahí está mintiendo otra vez. Los planes de Donald Trump son más que un concepto. Sus planes de Project 2025 cortarían drásticamente los fondos para la educación, revocarían el Obamacare, y quitarían el derecho de la mujer a elegir sobre su propio cuerpo.  

VO: Vamos a mostrarle a Donald Trump que los Estados Unidos no se trata de él. Se trata de nosotros. Nuestra libertad. Nuestras voces. Nuestro futuro. Puedes votar temprano o en el día de las elecciones, Noviembre 5 - así que ve a y asegurate que tu voz sea escuchada. 

Pagado por People for the American Way. No autorizado por ningun candidato o comité de candidato. 

"Donald Trump lies about Jan. 6 " 



VO: When Donald Trump's not talking about himself... 

DONALD TRUMP: We have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of politics. 

VO: He's spreading lies and disinformation about Jan 6th...   

DONALD TRUMP: I had nothing to do with that other than they asked me to make a speech. 

VO: And the only thing worse than Donald Trump's lies are his policies.  

VO: His project 2025 agenda would drastically cut education funding, repeal Obamacare, and take away a woman's right to choose. 

VO: Let's show Donald Trump that America is not about him. It's about us. Our freedoms. Our voices. Our future. You can vote early or on Election Day, November 5th - so go to and make sure your voice is heard. 

Paid for by People for the American Way. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. 

"Donald Trump miente sobre el 6 de enero" 



VO: Cuando no está hablando sobre sí mismo... 

DONALD TRUMP: Tenemos los mítines más grandes, los mítines más increíbles en toda la historia de la política. 

VO: Donald Trump está difundiendo mentiras y desinformación sobre Enero 6 

DONALD TRUMP: No tuve nada que ver con eso aparte de que me pidieron que diera un discurso.  

VO: Y lo único peor que Donald Trump es su política.  

VO: Sus prioridades de Project 2025 cortarían drásticamente los fondos para la educación, revocarían el Obamacare, y quitarían el derecho de la mujer a elegir sobre su propio cuerpo.  

VO: Vamos a mostrarle a Donald Trump que los Estados Unidos no se trata de él. Se trata de nosotros. Nuestra libertad. Nuestras voces. Nuestro futuro. Puedes votar temprano o en el día de las elecciones, Noviembre 5 - así que ve a y asegurate que tu voz sea escuchada. 

Pagado por People for the American Way. No autorizado por ningun candidato o comité de candidato.