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Swanson and Buehner Call Homosexuality a 'Flesh Eating Virus,' 'Sores' with 'Happy Faces [Carved] Into Them'

On last Friday’s Generations Radio, Pastors Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner warned that the gay population is about to rise dramatically as a result of “breakdown of the family” and will spread over America like a flesh eating virus.

As Buehner explained, feminism made women distrust men. As a result, boys lack a father and become gay, while girls venture into “amateur prostitution” and use men for “a good roller coaster ride” until eventually heading “into lesbianism.” He predicted that the gay population is “going to skyrocket.” Swanson agreed that we have a “humongous problem on our hands.”

Responding to Rep. Paul Ryan’s endorsement of same-sex adoption and Pastor Mark Horton’s openness to supporting same-sex domestic partnerships, Swanson derided “the ecclesiastical leaders and the civil leaders” who “will not acknowledge that we are under the judgment of Almighty God.”

“The body itself is shot through with this disease and it is occasionally busting through in these sores called homosexuality and these sores seem to be spreading all the time,” Swanson said, “They are taking these sores and they are carving happy faces into them, they are calling this sore ‘gay’ and they are carving happy faces into them, they are making it appear to be a wonderful, wonderful thing that we have these sores breaking out.”

Buehner elaborated on the analogy, calling homosexuality a “nasty flesh eating virus” that is spreading “all over the body” and lamenting that political and religious leaders who support gay rights are like “shepherds leading the sheep to death.”

Buehner: Women don’t trust men, women raise sons, sons don’t trust men, but there’s a hole in their heart, looking for a man, looking for the love of men, they’re not getting the love of their father, they’re going to go seek it out in other men, i.e. male homosexuality. A woman does not have a trust in a man, she didn’t see a loving relationship with a man, she’s been taught that husbands are buffoons and that at best get yourself a man who is a good roller coaster ride for the night, maybe try and get a few bucks off of him doing the amateur prostitution thing but move on, keep your independence from the family and from the man and ergo why not just go ahead into lesbianism.

Now homosexuality and lesbians start building on each other and snowballing. I believe that we are at the knee of the curve here, in other words, the rate of homosexuality in society has been fairly low, it’s been in the low one percent, two percent, we’ve always had some but it’s been low, I think it’s going to skyrocket in the next decade.

Swanson: It certainly does have a good sales program, the brochures are as glossy as they can possibly be, they are being sold in public schools all over America and it’s very possible this thing can go hyperbolic in the next couple of five to ten years, I wouldn’t be surprised at all, especially with the breakdown of the family, and we have two to three to four times more kids raised outside of a nuclear family as they were even in the last generation twenty years ago. We’re continuing to see a breakdown and what a lot of our leaders don’t want to recognize is that we’ve got a humongous problem on our hands.

It’s not like this car’s been through an accident and has got a few nicks on the bumper; the steering wheel is in the trunk, the steering wheel is in the trunk, this thing has been accordioned all the way from the hood into the trunk and we’ve got a major civilization accident on our hands and it’s going to take something really serious, something radical in order to repair this. It is probably going to have to be repentance, that is we’re going to have to repent of a lot of things and a lot of fundamental problems.

The body itself is shot through with this disease and it is occasionally busting through in these sores called homosexuality and these sores seem to be spreading all the time, especially over the last fifteen to twenty years. What guys like Paul Ryan are doing, what the politicians are doing with their approval of civil unions and homosexual marriage is that they are taking these sores and they are carving happy faces into them, they are calling this sore ‘gay’ and they are carving happy faces into them, they are making it appear to be a wonderful, wonderful thing that we have these sores breaking out and this is precisely what’s happening with our church leaders and civil leaders that are constantly wanting to endorse homosexual marriage. The fact that you have Mike Horton from the White Horse Inn endorsing civil unions as a possible way in which we can love our neighbor is again an ecclesiastical leader of the Reformed stripe saying this is cool, put the sore into a smiley face, it is okay, we are going to put the stamp approval of the civil magistrate on this thing, and the ecclesiastical leaders and the civil leaders are doing the same thing with it because they will not acknowledge that we are under the judgment of Almighty God.

Buehner: Putting the smiley face is part of the picture, they are trying to make it look happy, make it look fun, call it gay, but what they are also doing is they are spreading it. They are taking this disease that’s ravaging the body, it’s more like that nasty flesh eating virus and they are spreading it all over the body, they are spreading the virus all around because it’s so good, it’s a nice, happy virus, you want this flesh eating virus on your neck, you want it on your check, you want it on your back, you want it on your legs. They are doing everything they can by not only giving it a warrant it doesn’t deserve from Scripture but they’re also funding it, they’re also propelling it. This is horrible; this is the shepherds leading the sheep to death.