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Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson

Through his group Generations, Colorado pastor and radio host Kevin Swanson advocates homeschooling and ultraconservative views on culture and government. Swanson hosts a daily radio program, organizes frequent conferences and distributes educational materials, through which he encourages the development of male-led families and churches that will direct society away from ills like feminism and homosexuality.

In 2015, Swanson hosted then-GOP presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal along with other conservative figures at a National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa. At the conference, Swanson explained that a just society would impose the death penalty for homosexuality as long as gay people first have time to repent, declared that God will judge America for a gay character in Harry Potter and urged parents of a gay son or daughter to appear at their child's wedding covered in cow manure. Swanson has for years pushed extremist views on homosexuality, feminism and the role of religion in government.