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Sandy Rios: Transgender Rights Will 'Mainstream Pedophilia' And 'Create Chaos'

American Family Association official Sandy Rios spoke today with Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition about how the two Religious Right groups are fighting efforts in government and the business community to allow transgender people to access the facilities of the gender with which they identify.

Lafferty called on school districts to defy a recent letter from the Departments of Justice and Education on the rights of transgender students, which makes clear that anti-trans discrimination violates Title IX, saying that the administration will never follow through with its enforcement and advising schools to wait to see where the next president stands on the issue.

“What a hypocrite Obama and his evil cronies are at the Department of Education and Justice that they would take lunch money from children,” she said, before alleging that the number of transgender people in the population has been significantly exaggerated.

Rios claimed that the push for transgender rights is simply an attempt to “give the approval to a lifestyle” and “create chaos, to tear down all the social norms,” criticizing the administration for hiring “100 percent radical” officials, including “homosexual activists” and “radical leftists for race.”

“They look for discrimination everywhere and they are just pursuing every area they can,” she said, “and they’re equating, of course, transgenderism and homosexuality with race in many cases and some of them are certainly advocates for the radical homosexual left as well.”

The two went on to attack Target, which the AFA is boycotting, and Walmart for their policies on LGBT issues, with Rios urging listeners to “take action” and punish businesses with nondiscrimination policies “because if we don’t now I think … that the next push will be to legalize and mainstream pedophilia.”

“That’s not a guess,” she said. “It’s not just a, ‘Gee, what do I think?’ This is what the radical left sexual activists have been planning for a long time.”