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Sandy Rios: Khizr Khan Is 'Dishonest' Since 'Faithful Muslims Can't Embrace Our Constitution'

On her radio show yesterday, the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios continued her criticism of Khizr Khan, father of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who died while serving in Iraq. Rios was joined by guest Clare Lopez of the far-right Center for Security Policy to question Khan’s political motives for giving a speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Throughout the interview, Lopez represented the view of the terrorist group ISIS, which recently attacked Humayun Khan as an apostate, as the “truest expression of Islam” and alleged that the Khan family knows that their son “died as an apostate” when he protected his fellow service members from a suicide bomber.

“As devout, faithful Muslims, [the Khans] know perfectly well what the commandments of their faith are,” Lopez said. “Now, they may not be obedient to those commandments, and that’s their right as long as they live in a free country like America, but the commandments of the faith are still there, and a Muslim like their son who died fighting against other Muslims has died an apostate, and they know that, and they yet chose to highlight that infidelity of their son before an international audience of millions.”

Lopez continued, “So the question has to be then, why were they up there sort of highlighting all of this in front of the entire world? Well, I think we have to understand that there are a couple of messages going on. The father, of course, is a lawyer. He works on immigration matters, helping to bring Muslim immigrants into the country, and his objective there was a political one to smear Donald Trump, who has spoken out against the unrestrained import, unvetted influx of Muslims who cannot be properly screened and called for a temporary moratorium on such immigration until the United States can work out a proper screening protocol for such Muslims.”

Lopez also suggested that Khan’s “political objective took precedence over the fact that he was highlighting his family’s shame in a way, not the shame of the son as an American; as we look at it, the son was an absolute hero and died in service to his country, but from the Muslim perspective – and this is what we have to get inside of – they look at that son as an apostate who died fighting other Muslims, which is absolutely forbidden in Islamic law.”

“The question to me is then, does that mean there’s some redemption in them cooperating with the, really it’s the Muslim Brotherhood line that Islam is so peaceful and that there’s no violence in it, I mean, do you see any link at all?” Rios asked. “I mean, is the cooperation with this whole deception a part of their penance? Is that possible?”

“Well, I wouldn’t call it penance, I would call it collaboration,” Lopez said.

Lopez also asserted that there was a secretive message in Khan’s speech only meant for Muslims’ ears.

“Muslims heard and understood that the political message Trump must be defeated because if he is not, the jig is up for all of those who support the Islamic supremacist objective promoted by jihad and Sharia and certainly immigration of non-vetted Muslims into this country would certainly be curtailed at least for a time,” Lopez said.

“The message that many Americans have heard is, you know, this is a grieving father and mother of a hero son, and that is also true, but there are two messages and we just have to realize that there are two,” Lopez continued.

“For any Muslim in America who truly does love this country and truly is patriotic, I’ve always felt, especially after 9/11, that’s when I first started talking about these kinds of things, it really does fall on them to distinguish themselves,” Rios maintained.

“[Khan] stood up there and pretended and fed the American people and everyone else listening a load of hogwash that this is not what Islam is, that Islam is not about jihad and Sharia, and of course, he was lying,” Lopez said, adding that the Islamic State “is the truest expression of Islam in the world today.”

“So Mr. Khan at the very least was being dishonest with us,” Rios said. “I was incensed, I felt he had no right to wave the Constitution and to insult Mr. Trump in the way that he did.

“Just to insult an American, any of us, to wave the Constitution and say you haven’t read it, what Mr. Khan does not know about the American public school system when Donald Trump was raised, you better believe each and every one of us memorized that thing practically, so that’s just ridiculous. He knows not what he’s talking about, and also, Clare, just what you alluded to, that faithful Muslims can’t embrace our Constitution, can they?” (Trump attended a boarding school, not a public school).

“Not if they’re going to be faithful to the doctrine of Islam, no,” Lopez said.