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Right Wing Bonus Tracks - 5/21/15

  • Dave Daubenmire credits his prayer campaign for

    the dismissal of the latest case against

    creationist Kent Hovind.

  • The Kansas House
  • house-approves-bill-upping-secretary-state-/">voted to expand Kris Kobach's power to prosecute voter fraud cases.

  • Alex McFarland over-an-evangelical-one#.VV5JQUb3RDR">is alarmed by polls showing that Americans would rather have a gay president than an
  • evangelical one: "So what the American people are essentially saying is 'we want a president who doesn't believe in

    moral boundaries. We would rather have a president that was ethically amoral rather than dependent on the God of our founding


  • Glenn Beck dedicated his entire radio program today debating
  • href="

    legalization/">the issue of marijuana legalization.

  • Congratulations to Carol Paul, wife of Ron
  • Paul, for being named the Eagle Forum's "2015 Full-

    Time Homemaker Of The Year."

  • Finally, Mat Staver
  • govt/2015/05/20/obama-working-with-un-to-create-palestinian-state#.VV5IcUb3RDR">says that "President Obama must hate

    America because his hostility towards Israel will bring a curse on our country ... President Obama is playing with fire and he is

    dragging every American citizen with him into the pit of Hell."