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Religious Right Pundit Calls For Boycott Of Independence Day Parades That Include Gay Rights Supporters

Laurie Higgins of the American Family Association’s Illinois affiliate is distraught that Boy Scouts wearing rainbow bandanas and a local Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) club participated in Independence Day parades in two Illinois towns this year.

In a column in BarbWire today, Higgins calls on parents to boycott any event that includes supporters of gay rights. “What a barbarous affront to families and an insult to our veterans,” the Illinois Family Institute cultural analyst writes. “No Christian should bring their children to any event that celebrates and affirms soul-destroying sexual perversion.”

She predicts that soon “there will be no square inch of life that will be left untouched by the sullied hands of homosexual perversity–no celebration, no public school, no career path, and no church will be left unmolested.”

Higgins laments that the founding fathers’ “vision for liberty has been twisted into a sickening defense of sexual predilections that will hurt individuals and weaken the country that so many have died to bring into existence and to defend,” turning America into an “uncivilized nation.”

A justifiably irate parent from Deerfield, a liberal community on the North Shore, contacted me to tell me that one of the scoutmasters and a couple of the scouts he leads in her son’s troop (Troop 50) decided to add rainbow-colored bandannas to their official uniforms to demonstrate their support for something. Perhaps they were showing their support for the change in Boy Scout policy which allows openly homosexual boys to become members, or maybe they were advocating for a change in policy so that men who are attracted to males can serve openly as leaders of males, or maybe they wanted to signal their affirmation of homosexuality, or perhaps they want men-wannabes (i.e., cross-dressers and the genitally mutilated) to serve as leaders.

Angry parents of young children in Wheaton, a conservative community which is home to Wheaton College and a dozen theologically orthodox churches, contacted me to express their frustration that for the second year in a row, the homosexuality-affirming organization Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) had marched in the parade. No one opposes friendships with homosexuals, but, of course, that’s not really what this deviously-named organization is promoting.

Communities now take pride in affirming shameful behaviors, with our elected leaders marching pridefully in celebration of that which no man or woman should celebrate let alone celebrate on Main Street in front of children. What a barbarous affront to families and an insult to our veterans. No Christian should bring their children to any event that celebrates and affirms soul-destroying sexual perversion. If Christians are unwilling to make even this small sacrifice, they are woefully unprepared for what’s coming.

Some will be tsk-tsking me (or worse) for criticizing these intrusions into what should be occasions to celebrate the founding of the greatest nation that has ever existed on this planet—a nation founded by men who understood that God exists and absolute, objective, transcendent, eternal moral truths exist. These men of diverse theological views would share in common a sense of outrage that their vision for liberty has been twisted into a sickening defense of sexual predilections that will hurt individuals and weaken the country that so many have died to bring into existence and to defend.

The proverbial writing has been on the wall for quite some time, and it doesn’t take a Daniel to read it. There will be no square inch of life that will be left untouched by the sullied hands of homosexual perversity–no celebration, no public school, no career path, and no church will be left unmolested.

If your community parade included participants who celebrated ideas to which no young children should be exposed, call the appropriate village, town, or city officials to express your opposition, telling them that next year you will find a child-friendly activity way to celebrate the founding of this increasingly uncivilized nation.