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Paranoia-Rama: Obama's White Genocide Plot, Satanic LGBT Rights & Alex Jones Loses It

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

While many conservatives continue to be focused on how LGBT rights laws are dangerous and Satanic, far-right commentators like Alex Jones and David Duke are showing how Donald Trump can rescue America from nefarious elites.

5) Satan Behind LGBT Rights

Pat Robertson knows the real reason that lawmakers and activists are supporting laws to prevent discrimination against LGBT people: They are motivated by Satan to “destroy the Judeo-Christian fabric of America.”

Robertson told “700 Club” viewers this week that while he doesn’t oppose transgender people, he believes that those advocating for transgender rights are pushing “the agenda of anti-Christian bias,” and that is why the devil has been so focused on this “one particular place.”

4) Another Right-Wing Smear

Since we have heard from many Religious Right activists about how LGBT nondiscrimination policies are such a threat, radio host Alan Colmes decided to ask one such activist, Anita Staver of Liberty Counsel, if she has any proof that one of these measures adopted around the country has ever led to a crime.

Staver, unsurprisingly, was unable to name any crimes that resulted from such policies, simply saying, “I’m not a statistician,” and asking listeners to go online to look it up.

She may have drawn a blank because the claim that nondiscrimination laws have resulted in widespread sexual assaults is nothing but a right-wing myth.

Staver has previously said that she plans on “taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room” in stores like Target that bar discrimination against transgender customers and staff.

3) Obama’s White Genocide Plot

Right-wing radio host Michael Savage has returned to accusing Obama of encouraging genocidal violence against white people, although this time he isn’t citing a Mayan prophesy he saw on television.

While speaking this week with a caller this week who said that he was in hiding and that he knows for a fact that Obama is using immigration to pave the way for white “genocide,” Savage wholeheartedly agreed, calling the president a “madman” and suggesting that he has a “specific vendetta” against white people.

2) Another Alex Jones Meltdown

You know Alex Jones must have had quite a meltdown when even he decided to pull a video of himself offline.

Jones, known for screaming into the camera on a daily basis, posted a video Tuesday night celebrating Trump’s victory in Indiana, before quickly taking it down.

Fortunately, our friends at Media Matters saved a copy of the video, in which Jones railed against Trump’s “stinking, traitorous” critics such as Washington Post columnist George Will, whom Jones advised to “look in the mirror, realize you’re a traitor, and do the right thing, and put a .357 Magnum to your head, and blow what little is left of your brains out all over yourself.”

Jones also claimed credit for the fact that Trump picked up an absurd story promoted by his InfoWars network alleging that Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

1) David Duke Hopes Trump Defeats The ‘Jewish Supremacists’

Jones wasn’t the only one rejoicing Trump’s victory in the GOP presidential contest.

White nationalist David Duke also cheered on Trump for successfully challenging the “Jewish supremacists who control our country.”

Powerful Jews, Duke said, “run the political establishment” and dislike Trump because “he is implicitly talking about the interests of European-Americans.”

By trying to stop Trump, Duke claims that these “Jewish extremists” have ended up “exposing their alien, anti-American, anti-American-majority position” and increasing “awareness” that their supposed stranglehold on the government is “the reason why America is not great.”