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Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson

Televangelist Pat Robertson is best known as the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, the network on which he now hosts "The 700 Club," and for his role in creating a series of conservative institutions, including Regent University and the American Center for Law and Justice. A 1988 Republican candidate for president, Robertson also founded the Christian Coalition, although he is no longer involved with the group.

No stranger to controversy, Robertson has linked the September 11 attacks to gays, feminists and liberals (including People For the American Way); blamed Hurricane Katrina on legal abortion; declared that a 2010 earthquake in Haiti was God's revenge for the country's supposed pact with the devil; accused gay people of wearing special rings that they use to deliberately infect others with HIV/AIDS; and said that feminism "encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."