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Larry Pratt: Military Will Turn On Obama If He Tries To Impose 'Some Sort Of Military Arms Solution'

Alex Jones invited Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt on to his “Infowars” program yesterday, where the two discussed the persistent right-wing myth that President Obama is telling police departments that conservatives are terrorists or, in Jones’ words, that “gun owners are bad, Christians are bad, the Tea Party’s your enemy, prepare for domestic war, here are armored vehicles for local police.”

Jones told Pratt that he’s seen a “huge wake-up in the military and police in the last few years” to the extent that law enforcement officers and members of the military “really understand that there are people running Washington that really want to hurt this country and really want to hurt them.”

“For every police department that says ‘we want to fight with the Tea Party,’ there’s another 50 police departments that know the Tea Party’s not their enemy when the Democrats are represented by kill-the-police Black Lives Matter groups,” he said.

Pratt agreed with Jones’ assessment, saying that armed government employees would refuse to go along “if anybody in government really went so far as to try to impose some kind of military arms solution in this country.”

“Yeah, there will be a few that will be just following orders,” he said, “but most of the rest of them realize that I didn’t take an oath to uphold Barack Obama or whoever else is president, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution. And that’s the big stumbling block for any wannabe tyrant, is that most of those that they employ with guns aren’t going to want to do something that they knowingly have seen is unconstitutional.

“And I think Waco and other tragedies like that have brought greater clarity to the understanding that a lot of our men under arms have seen, and I believe they would bring that to the table if anybody in government really went so far as to try to impose some kind of military arms solution in this country. Just don’t think it’s going to take.”