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Kevin Swanson On Caitlyn Jenner: 'This Is The Bondage Of Satan, This Is A Pagan Culture'

Kevin Swanson, an anti-gay pastor and host of Generations Radio, is angry at his conservative brothers and sisters for “sporting this cover of Bruce Jenner” on conservative news sites, a reference to Caitlyn Jenner’s recent Vanity Fair cover. Swanson described to his listeners how “Bruce Jenner in drag is showing up on Vanity Fair, front cover, and I’m sure there are grocery stores all over America sporting Bruce in drag. And let’s just say it, Bruce Jenner looking like a prostitute on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine.”

“It’s sickening, sickening,” lamented Swanson, “to be on a website checking the news, your favorite conservative website,” and they “seem to be supporting him by putting his shameful, shameful picture on the front page of their news magazines online. And friends, I’m telling ya, this is shameful. ”

“I am not using the new first name,” Swanson declared. “He’s got a new first name where he’s trying to sport himself as a female. But, of course, this itself is an abomination.” What Swanson recommends to “those who are in a workplace working with those who are trying to transgender is to refer to them by their last name. Do not refer to them by their female name. Don’t play the game.” Swanson warned his listeners that this “is going to subject you to some persecution.” However, Christians have apparently “been persecuted for a very long time, so, for 2,000 years,” and this is just part of preaching God’s word.

Swanson also had advice for how to teach your children about gender identity: “Just say well, now, if your child is standing there next to you, ‘There is Bruce Jenner in drag. That’s a man, in drag.’ Now, I hate to have to bring that up to a seven-year-old, and for that reason I would encourage Christians out there to own grocery stores and do not sport magazines like Vanity Fair, this soft porn stuff, in your grocery stores.” Swanson also “would encourage you to not take your kids into the grocery store if they're sporting pictures of men in drag dressed as prostitutes on the front cover of Vanity Fair magazine right there at the checkout counter. ”

Swanson remarked that “Jenner has set a new Twitter record, at 1 million followers in just the last week or so, so Americans very excited about the latest abomination.” He continued by arguing that “a 64-year-old burned out athlete dressed up like a whore on the front page of Vanity Fair magazine is a rather shameful, embarrassing thing, and seems to me that from the most rational, sane perspective here we’re looking at chaos. We’re looking at God giving them up to a depraved mind here.”

Swanson described how Jenner’s transition “is the corruption of a cadaver, this is the bondage of Satan, this is a pagan culture.” Caitlyn, as Swanson refused to call her, is “dressing up a cadaver. He’s putting lipstick on a cadaver.”

In case you were wondering why Jenner is doing this, Swanson explained that this is due to “the spiritual death that is reflected in the soul of a man who is not regenerated by the spirit of God. And it eventually, all that inside cadaverness, expresses itself externally. And that’s what we’re seeing friends. That’s what we’re seeing in the destruction of sexuality, this sexual nihilism, of the modern world, of this modern, homosexual and transgender movement.”

Swanson’s guest, Adam McManus, elaborated that “when you reject God and you reject everything he’s about…the only thing you are left with are evil and death.” Swanson offered a solution to evil and death, calling on Christians to “take the gospel to this world, remind them they’re dead. Remind them they’re putting lipstick on a cadaver, then bring them to Jesus.” He urged that “we ought to treat our children, or train our children, as the missionaries did when they took their kids to the pagan lands in the 19th century.” There “they homeschooled their kids and they would put the big fences around the compounds in order that their kids would not have regular contact with some of the more edgy elements of pagan culture, so to speak.” According to Swanson, the problem is “we don’t consider ourselves missionaries to a pagan land anymore.” We have to join together to “bring the gospel to these people and teach them to observe whatsoever Jesus has commanded.”