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For the Far-Right, the Real Victims of the Trayvon Martin Case are White People

White conservative commentators have looked into the Trayvon Martin case and many have seem to concluded that the real victim is not Martin, but white people who are now that targets of racism from black people, President Obama in particular.

Sandy Rios of the American Family Association last week on her radio show claimed that whites are the new victims of racism:

I said the other day, I just hate this phrase, ‘I have black friends.’ I know that it’s true; I know that black men are singled out and it is horrific, and I know that blacks have suffered tremendous racism. But I think now it’s getting to be where many whites are feeling more the victim now with the press going the way that it is and things going the way they are, so it’s stirring up lots of trouble.

Channeling Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, who said President Obama “poured gasoline on the racialist fires” by using the Martin shooting to “gin up the black vote,” Roger Hedgecock in WorldNetDaily compares Obama to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and accuses him of inciting racism against whites:

Obama maintains black-voter support by signaling that white racism is holding him back, preventing him from accomplishing everything he promised. It’s the oldest excuse for black failure. And it is the gateway to the “payback time” mentality of too many young black males – a mentality that is claiming lives all across the U.S. today.

In schools, in colleges, in courtrooms and in too many workplaces, white Americans are feeling the “payback time” attitude of too many black Americans.

Obama has tolerated and even encouraged black triumphalism, played to the black grievance culture and encouraged the “payback time” mentality.

American voters pinned their hopes for racial healing on Barack Obama. They got Louie Farrakhan instead.

Not to be outdone, Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman dubs Obama a “racist, black-Muslim sympathizer and Jew-and-white hater” who is “the biggest and most evil whore of all”:

No one would ever doubt that the likes of the so-called Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the media hacks of MSNBC would use this unfortunate incident to whip up racial divide and hatred for their own monetary benefit, but to see our president join in the chorus of exploitative white haters underscores just how low their whoredom has sunk. Obama's vocal and loud endorsement of Trayvon Martin as a boy he would like to have sired sent a message to the nation and the world — much like his offensive threatening statements about the sovereignty of the Supreme Court — that he does not respect the rule of law and that he, as the nation's fuehrer, can decide for the rest of us who is guilty and who is innocent. And, true to his black-Muslim leanings and associations, President Obama refused to, as is the correct approach, keep his mouth shut so as not to influence law-enforcement authorities or any eventual jury. Instead, he improperly used his office to judge for himself, and then broadcast, who caused the sad death of this young boy.

So, once again, Obama has shown his true colors; he is a racist, black-Muslim sympathizer and Jew-and-white hater himself. For this, with all of the whoredom on display in the last weeks, he wins the prize for the biggest and most evil whore of all.

We live in a dangerous world, and our president is making it even more perilous. He is playing a key role in fomenting racial and religious hatred and undermining our democracy and our nation's security by endorsing terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and consistently allowing the Islamic republic of Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves, and we may soon join them — particularly given the Iranian mullahs' vows to use these weapons to wipe not only the state of Israel but all infidels, Jews and Christians alike, off the face of the earth — according to the Islamic will of Allah!