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Ex-Gay Pride Leaders: 'Homosexual Activists' Fund Fred Phelps, Dumb Dads On TV Turn Kids Gay

Last week, Ex-Gay Pride Month organizers Christopher Doyle and Chuck Peters of Voice of the Voiceless spoke to American Family Association talk show host Sandy Rios about how strong women and “stupid,” “buffoon” dads on television are turning kids gay.

As a result, boys begin idolizing women and female celebrities while seeing “this caricature of men on TV,” which somehow makes them gay.

Peters: I split off that side of myself, the masculine side, the boyhood side. I thought ‘I’m not going to be a man, I’m going to be like a woman.’ So I way-over-identified with my mother. That’s why I believe a lot of gay-identified men really worship these celebrities, these strong women, like Madonna or Cher or Lady Gaga because these women are strong women, like the mom that I grew up with, that are very opinionated, have a chip on their shoulder, wear the pants in the family, and these are the women that I wanted to be like or I wanted to identify with because I didn’t have a man in the house who wore the pants, who would teach me how to be a man.

Rios: That seems to be the theme, Chris, so often.

Doyle: You see any straight heterosexual male on TV is now the buffoon.

Rios: Don’t I know it? All the dads are stupid and all the women are supermoms. I’m the antifeminist, if you want to complain about that you’ve came to the right studio. I just can’t stand what they’ve done to manhood.

Doyle: It’s absolutely damaging for kids. In so many minority cultures now it’s still an epidemic problem that the father is not in the home. Then they turn on the TV, which is basically where they have to go because they don’t have two parents in the house and dad’s not there, then they see this caricature of men on TV.

Doyle also seems pretty sure that Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps is “funded by homosexual activists” to make anti-gay groups look bad.

He told Rios that he can’t explain how else Phelps “gets all that money to do all of that.”

Actually, the church makes its money through its family law firm, Phelps-Chartered, and by winning or settling cases surrounding its demonstrations.

Peters also decried bills limiting the use of ex-gay therapy, which he said will lead to deaths: “If you want to kill somebody and force somebody into suicide, take away hope. And that’s what these pending bills and that’s what the bill in California is doing and the bill that was passed and signed by Gov. [Chris] Christie is doing, the blood of these minors who commit suicide because they can’t go to a licensed therapist will be on the hands of Gov. Christie and Gov. [Jerry] Brown who both signed these bills into law.”