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Ed Klein Says Michelle Obama 'Wears the Pants in the Family,' Controls President Obama

Conservative author and conspiracy theorist Ed Klein joined Sandy Rios of the American Family Association today to promote his book, “The Amateur,” where he revealed that Michelle Obama is the real power broker in the White House. Klein said that he learned from friends of the Obama’s that the First Lady “wears the pants in the family” and “is even further to the left than her husband.” He said she grew up “with a real chip on her shoulder” over anti-black discrimination and claims she has “never really gotten over that”:

Klein: They give me a portrait of a very, very strong-minded, powerful woman who wears the pants in the family. That her husband, Barack Obama, has I’ve been told again and again is actually afraid of Michelle, afraid of her temper, afraid of her shunning him, turning a cold shoulder to him, things like that, he is very susceptible to her moods. She comes from a very political family, her father was a precinct family, getting out the vote on the local neighborhood level for the old Mayor Daly, so she grew up steeped in politics and with a real chip on her shoulder because of her feeling that African Americans were second class citizens in Chicago, which they were back then, not any longer, but they were back then, and she’s never really gotten over that. In my view she is even further to the left than her husband, Barack Obama.

Rios: That’s the take you get on Valerie Jarrett as well, they are pushing him to this ideology which I think he does embrace too.

Klein: I do too; I think it’s in his system.

Rios: In his DNA.

Rios was also interested in the role of President Obama’s adviser Valerie Jarrett, telling Klein: “she was born in Iran—that for the life of me makes no sense—she is the daughter of Vernon Jarrett. Vernon Jarrett, how strange, was a very close friend of Frank Marshall Davis who was one of the editors of the Communist newspaper in Chicago who became later Barack Obama’s mentor.” Rios complained that “you can find out all kinds of alarming things” about Jarrett “without working too hard…they thought I was crazy.”

However, Vernon Jarrett is not Valerie Jarrett’s father. Her father is Dr. James Bowman, and Jarrett was born in Iran as her parents moved to there after her father found a job there at a hospital. Vernon Jarrett is the father of Jarrett’s late ex-husband Dr. William Robert Jarrett. The couple divorced in 1988 and he died in 1993.

Despite bragging about writing two chapters about Jarrett in his book, Klein doesn’t correct Rios and it is unclear if he even knew she was wrong in the first place.

Rios ended her show warning that Obama “has done tremendous harm to the black community by being who he is” and “is out for [the] destruction” of America:

Rios: There was a dark cloud, there was like a delusion, a strong delusion, that settled over America—it wasn’t about color—I think the sad thing is, I am grateful America has come to the place where they will elect an African American president, I think that has tremendous value and it should have, but not this one. I know too many fine men of color who love this country and I think he has done tremendous harm to the black community by being who he is, and who he is is he’s not a lover of this country. Most black Americans even in spite of the things that have happened in this past, the things that we’re ashamed of, still, this is their home, this is their country, this is their children who fight in wars and they don’t want someone leading who is out for destruction.