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AFA Official Agrees With Caller Who Wants Red States To Secede From America

American Family Association news director Fred Jackson served as the guest host for “Sandy Rios in the Morning” this week, and used the opportunity to agree with a caller who said that “red states” should leave the United States.

The caller, who identified himself as a member of the radical group Oath Keepers, said secession is “the only solution that we have because voting doesn’t work,” calling for red states specifically to separate from the union. He also didn’t miss a chance to call Obama a Muslim: “And I would make a comment about the ISIS spokesman who said that they wanted to raise the flag of Allah over the White House, my personal opinion: it was raised six years ago.”

Jackson said the caller actually had a good idea, only regretting that not enough Americans have the drive to secede.

“James, your suggestion is a good one and I’m hearing what you’re saying. But I’m wondering if there is enough gumption to do that given the fact that this country re-elected President Barack Obama in 2012,” Jackson responded. “So if you can’t get people to go out and vote for someone who is opposed to the policies of the existing politician in power, do you think there’s really a chance that they are actually going to say, ‘well I won’t take the time to go out and vote but yeah let’s go ahead and secede from the nation’?”

“I’m not trying to be critical of your suggestion, I am just wondering if there is the heart of the American people yet, and I say yet because I don’t think that we should ever give up. I think sometimes a country has to hit a wall before they realize that there is something that we must do. I’m not sure enough Americans have realized that we are about to hit that wall.”