- Madeline Peltz and Jacina Hollins-Borges @ Media Matters: Career women in right-wing media tell young girls to give up their dreams at Young Women's Leadership Summit.
- Jack Jenkins @ Religion News Service: With Turning Point Faith, pastors use politics as a church-growth strategy.
- Sarah Posner @ Talking Points Memo: How Pat Robertson Helped Create The Christian Nationalist Lawyer Brigade Reshaping American Life.
- Nick Vachon @ The American Independent: 'Gender ideology': The history of the right's new favorite phrase.
- Michael Tomasky @ The New Republic: Inside the GOP’s Latest Desperate Attempt to Smear Joe Biden.
- Joe Jervis: Trump: I Will Prosecute “The Entire Biden Crime Family.
- Kelly McClure @ Salon: Kari Lake takes wild leap in Trump's defense, threatening gun violence against DOJ and Biden.
Right Wing Round-Up: Confusing Career Advice