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Kyle Mantyla

Senior Fellow

Kyle Mantyla serves as a senior fellow for People For the American Way and reports for the organization's Right Wing Watch project. First hired as a research assistant by People For the American Way in 1999, he has now for more than 15 years provided daily coverage and expertise on a wide range of right-wing organizations activists. He focuses on monitoring, reporting on, and analyzing influential Religious Right leaders and activists, organizations, institutions and events, covering everything from David Barton to eschatology to Dominionism and the New Apostolic Reformation. He has provided expertise on these issues to a wide variety of media outlets, including the New York Times, BuzzFeed, National Public Radio, SiriusXM, and Salon. His work has appeared in outlets such as Salon, AlterNet, Religion Dispatches and The American Prospect. Born and raised in Wisconsin, Mantyla graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1996.

Areas of expertise
  • Right-Wing Movements
  • Trump Administration