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WorldNetDaily Wonders If Matt Drudge Is A Prophet

WorldNetDaily today dedicated an entire story to decoding a tweet sent by conservative pundit Matt Drudge that read simply, “Have an exit plan.” The right-wing outlet spoke to survivalist Marc Slavo to analyze Drudge’s tweet.

Could Drudge be predicting an economic crash? Currency collapse? Terrorist attack? Something bad?!

WND investigates:

WND has contacted Drudge to see if he has any further explanation to what he specifically meant with his tweet.

Online blogger Mac Slavo is among those taking note of Drudge’s tweet, saying the warning, while cryptic, may be the result of direct insider information.

“Considering he once nearly brought down the Clinton administration by revealing the president’s indiscretions with a White House intern, one could make the case that if anyone has legitimate sources pouring in from across the world it’s Matt Drudge,” Slavo writes.

“Could his warning be for stock market investors regarding foreknowledge of an imminent collapse of financial markets in the United States, China and Europe?

“Or has Drudge’s access to insiders in key positions given him the ability to connect the dots for an event that may occur in the near future? Few may recall, but just three weeks ahead of the September 11th attacks, Drudge headlined warnings of possible strikes on U.S.-based targets, so there may well be a credible insider source for his most recent warning as well.”

Slavo goes on to note that while Drudge’s latest comments could be referring to anything, “given the types of stories he’s covered in recent years we could make the case that he is referring to worst-case scenarios.

“His exit plan warning may encompass any number of potential scenarios such as a coming shock to financial markets, evacuating major cities in an emergency, preparing for the destruction of our currency, or having a way to get out of the United States in the event of a Soviet-style purge.

“Whatever the case, Matt Drudge understands that his views and comments are followed by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, thus we are confident that he would not publicly issue such a warning unless he has access to credible information that supports his claims. That being said, we urge readers to remain vigilant.”