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WorldNetDaily Pundit Claims Obama Will Unleash The Military On Conservatives

Another day, another WorldNetDaily column predicting that President Obama is going to confiscate firearms, impose martial law and imprison conservatives.

Today’s warning comes from Morgan Brittany, who writes that Obama will use the increase in child migrants as a calculated way to incite an anti-Obama revolution, giving the president a justification to introduce “martial law,” start “confiscating our guns and ammo,” create a “totalitarian state” and begin a spate of “military arrests”

Supposedly, the NDAA broadens the scope and power of the federal government to fight the War on Terror, and under this law the military has the power to carry out domestic anti-terrorism operations on U.S. soil. This means it allows the detaining of U.S. citizens domestically without trial if they are considered a threat. The question then becomes: Who is a threat? Is it a member of the tea party? Someone who speaks out against Obamacare or takes issue with the administration’s policies? Someone the NSA has listened to and feels is a problem? We saw what happened with the IRS targeting – can military arrests be far behind? This idea would be considered folly except for the fact that in 2009 there was a DHS report entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalism and Recruitment.” It specifically stated that conservatives and the unemployed represent a clear and present danger.

So when you put the pieces of this puzzle together and you see what is happening on our border, am I crazy to think that this was all a plan that has been put in motion to overwhelm the system and create anger and chaos among the American people? With the influx of illegal children surrendering to the Border Patrol, the officers can no longer protect the border because they are too busy changing diapers and tending to sick kids. They are overwhelmed and cannot feed, house or nurse these thousands of people.

We all know the truth, that none of these people are going to be returned to their home countries. They will disappear into the shadows as millions before them have, and we the taxpayers will pick up the bill as we always do. This is a giant poke in the eye to an already angry American tiger, and it will only take one spark to blow the whole thing up.

Ah, but this is what the left and this administration wants. It is classic Cloward-Piven. Overwhelm the system, anger the populace, create chaos, and then, martial law takes over. Through his executive orders, the president gave himself the authority to use the military as he sees fit. We saw just a taste of it after the Boston Marathon bombing when there was a huge over-reaction by closing down the city, storming homes and property and keeping people prisoners in their own homes. That was just a test to see how compliant people would become.

If Obama gets his way and the system collapses through illegal immigration or financial means, if he succeeds in confiscating our guns and ammo so that no one but the government has them, then we the people will be at their mercy, and the sad thing is that many people will welcome their control. At that point the American people will be helpless against a totalitarian state, and they will have succeeded in the full transformation of this country.