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WND Columnist: Obama Behind 'White-People Bashing'

Mychal Massie is pretty sure that President Obama is simultaneously “a limp-wristed paper doll” and an influential leader who is working surreptitiously to engineer racial strife, including the protests in Ferguson, Missouri.

The WorldNetDaily columnist writes today that Obama sides with thugs” and tries “to foment racial discord and racial antipathy” by using “code for white-people bashing.”

Apparently, Obama has pushed racial conflict even more than all of those presidents who presided over slavery, Jim Crow and systematic racism: “Obama has done more to divide America on issues of race than any president before him. Obama has displayed an incredible proclivity for fomenting racial discord.”

America is suffering from a lack of leadership. Obama isn’t a leader; he is Erebus eulogizing over America sans having anything kind or truthful to say about her.

His manic supporters are selective in what they view as an example of leadership, none moreso than the hordes of blacks who suffer from willful “he’s black and therefore can do no wrong” syndrome. When they are unable to debate cogently (which is their one constant) they make excuses for Obama and/or wave off his need to be involved in the situation.

Such has been the case pursuant to his handling of Ferguson, Missouri. Obama fanned the flames of racial discontent from the very outset of the Ferguson shooting. A leader is a person who possesses a strong moral foundation. A true leader is not the equivalent of troublemaker who sides with thugs and bullies, but that is exactly what Obama does.

A true leader is a man respected at home, revered abroad and feared by the evildoers. But Obama panders to our evildoers, alienates our allies and shows himself to be a limp-wristed paper doll at home. Obama’s only real domestic strength is to foment racial discord and racial antipathy.

I condemn self-segregation and segregative speech and assignations. A president of color, more than one who is not, has the melanin card he or she can use to trump racialisms in a positive way. Obama, however, has seen fit to use that card to foment angst and immiseration. I would preach hope and unity built on our being Americans. I would seize every opportunity both domestic and abroad to boast of America and the greatest of her citizenry; but Obama does the exact opposite. He tells how far America has to go, which is code for white-people bashing. I would tell the people they elected me to lead not to be a color.

America needs a leader, but the “color” that was elected is nothing more than a prissy paper doll with no courage and no heart. He is a pernicious liar and troublemaker. And I ask you what kind of leader goes out of his way to harm the people for whom he was elected to secure a better future? What kind of leader makes no pretense of supporting and fomenting racial discord? The answer is the one who is currently in the White House.

When Obama was elected president, the consensus of opinion was that America had transcended racial antipathy. The consensus of opinion was that Obama would be able to lead America forward pursuant to issues of race unlike any president before him.

That was a tragic assumption. Obama has done more to divide America on issues of race than any president before him. Obama has displayed an incredible proclivity for fomenting racial discord.