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Will Romney Denounce Liberty University's 'Poisonous Language'?

As Josh noted in the previous post(link is external), Mitt Romney will be delivering the commencement address tomorrow at Liberty University, the ultra-fundamentalist university founded by the late Jerry Falwell.  But what many people may not realize is that Liberty U is also the home of some of the most militant anti-gay activists operating today, who are on staff at Liberty U while simultaneously working for the affiliated Liberty Counsel.

In fact, the two are so intertwined that Mat Staver serves as both Dean of the Liberty U Law School(link is external) and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, while Rena Lindevaldsen(link is external), LU's Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Matt Barber(link is external), LU's Associate Dean for Career and Professional Development, Shawn Akers(link is external), Dean of LU's Helms School of Government, and Deryl Edwards(link is external), LU's Director of Institutional Advancement, all hold positions with Liberty Counsel as well.

For years, Liberty Counsel has been at the center of a custody case involving Lisa Miller(link is external), an "ex-gay" woman who kidnapped her daughter and fled the country rather than abide by court-ordered custody arrangements with her former partner.  Rena Lindevaldsen was Miller's attorney and even wrote a book(link is external) about the saga while Liberty Counsel continues to insist that it has no knowledge(link is external) of Miller's whereabouts, despite the fact that she was reportedly living(link is external) at a home in Nicaragua owned by the father of an administrative assistant working for Staver at Liberty U Law School. Furthermore, Liberty U also taught a class(link is external) based on the Miller case in which students were reportedly instructed that the "right" thing for a lawyer to do in a case such as this would be to counsel their client that they have an obligation to ignore the law and court orders and instead engage in "civil disobedience" in order to uphold God's law.

While Staver may be the head of Liberty Counsel with a penchant for issuing warnings that President Obama seeks to become a global dictator(link is external), his rhetoric pales in comparison to Matt Baber who, in addition to serving as an instructor(link is external) at Liberty U's Law School, also happens to be one of the most viciously anti-gay bigots operating today, as demonstrated by his view(link is external) that homosexuality is nothing more than “one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it ‘love.’”

Just in recent months, Barber has said(link is external) that marriage equality mocks God and desecrates(link is external) the Church, declared(link is external) that the Defense of Marriage Act is necessary to prevent children from becoming gay and getting AIDS, said(link is external) that gay teens commit suicide because they "know that what they are doing is unnatural, is wrong, [and] immoral," proclaimed(link is external) gay adoption to be "tragic," "unconscionable," and "reprehensible," and warned(link is external) that gay activists are seeking to poison the minds of children and are(link is external) "running interference for the pedophile movement."

But it is not just gays whom Barber attacks on a regular basis, but liberals in general, whom he claims(link is external) are driven by a hatred of God and are working(link is external) with radical Islamists to destroy Christianity. He has said(link is external) that the Obama administration's contraception mandate was no different than being forced to kill your family and that those who support reproductive choice are literally no different(link is external) than the Nazis.  In fact, Barber thinks the Left in general are nothing but a bunch of bullies who just need to be punched in the mouth(link is external).

Last year, when Romney spoke at the Values Voter Summit, he publicly called out(link is external) the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer for his bigotry and declared that "poisonous language does not advance our cause."  

Will Romney have the courage this weekend to likewise take a stand against the "poisonous language" and bigotry regularly displayed by the staff at Liberty University/Liberty Counsel? 

We won't hold our breaths.