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Will Marriage Equality In New York Lead To The Coming Of The Antichrist?

Pat Robertson has already warned that God will destroy America over New York’s new marriage equality law, and now Religious Right commentator Michael Bresciani is saying that marriage equality may bring the coming of the Antichrist. Writing for Renew America, Bresciani claims that America is abandoning God and will be led into a “foreign tyranny and a ruthless ruler the scriptures refer to as the antichrist”:

The children of Belial could not be expected to understand it but the hour is late and never has there been a time in our history when the following has been truer of America. "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." (Ec 8: 11) If clamoring for gay rights and gay marriage is pushing the envelope then more laws to dignify such perversion can only be just more to push us over the top in God's patience.

No one says it better than the ancient prophet Micah. He was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah and gave his message to Israel and Judah for a period of about fifty years. Although he like Isaiah saw the coming captivity that Israel would undergo after Babylon conquered them, those events were over 125 years into the future and no one paid much attention to either prophet on that matter. Micah saw the Assyrian captivity of Israel and that was only ten years away from his prophecies.

The results of our choices in America are closer than Micah's prophecies by far. But the result will be just about the same. We too will be led away captive but not to a foreign place but rather to a foreign tyranny and a ruthless ruler the scriptures refer to as the antichrist.

The condensed version of the pattern God uses is this; A call to repentance, a graduating scale of calamities, natural disasters and disruption of nature, a collapse of the powers and the economy of a nation. Need I remind anyone that America is already in stage three of this pattern? After this it gets far more serious, what exactly does that mean? My answer is both; you don't really want to know and stay tuned there is more to come.