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Who Will Pick Up Huckabee's Baggage?

Ever since Mike Huckabee announced that he would not be running for president in 2012, countless pieces have been written speculating which remaining candidate benefits the most from his decision.  Is it Michele Bachmann?  It is Tim Pawleny? Is it Herman Cain or Rick Santorum? 

But I have a different question:  which remaining candidate will be the one to welcome the support of the fringe Religious Right leaders who made up Huckabee's Faith and Family Values Coalition the last time around?

In 2008, Huckabee could get no love from the "establishment" Religious Right leaders, but he was adored by the ultra-radical fringe leaders of the movement like Janet Porter, who believes that America has been cursed for electing President Obama and that Obama wanted to commit genocide against the American population and lock conservatives up in internment camps. Porter also believes that Christians should be in complete control of government and that tornadoes are God's wrath against us our nation for our positions on abortion and Israel.

Or what about Rick Scarborough, the self-proclaimed "Christocrat" who believes that AIDS is God's judgment and that it is his duty to "mix church and state God's way" in order to stop the country's "slide further into Communism/Socialism [and] sexual anarchy led by sodomites."

And let's not forget Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, who is reportedly teaching law students to break the law in order to fight the gay agenda while working to keep "moral perverts" out of the military, defeat the "Antichrist spirit" that seeks to destroy marriage, and prevent Obama from becoming a global dictator.

These kinds of activists were Huckabee's bread-and-butter, along with End Times obsessives like Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, Homeschool champions like Mike Farris, and the boycott-happy head of the American Family Association Don Wildmon.

Where are these activists going to go now that Huckabee is not running? 

They certainly are not just going to sit on the sidelines, so some lucky GOP candidate is eventually going to pick up their endorsement ... and all the crazy right-wing baggage that comes right along with it.