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Weeks Later, Rep. Bridenstine Finally Responds To Supporter Who Called For Obama's Death

Back in January, the Tulsa 9:12 group posted video on YouTube — which they have since removed — of a celebratory event with Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) where a woman in the audience demanded that President Obama be killed.

“Obama, he’s not president, as far as I’m concerned, he should be executed as an enemy combatant,” she said as part of a larger rant about how Obama is supposedly “shipping” Muslims into the country.

As we reported at the time, the congressman responded to her call to violence against the President not being condemning her remarks but by going into a rant about Obama’s supposed “lawlessness.”

The Oklahoma Democratic Party responded with this statement:

Republican Congressman Jim Bridenstine (OK-1) recently held an event at which a supporter called the President a traitor who should be executed. Bridenstine’s supporter can be heard calling the President derogatory names and several references to the Muslim community as well.

“Just three days ago, someone was arrested for threatening to kill President George Bush. It is absolutely astonishing that a sitting United States Congressman would encourage and support that type of behavior. As an Oklahoman I am appalled that someone would threaten the Commander-in-Chief–Republican or Democrat. Congressman Bridenstine owes the President an apology, the country an apology and the people of Oklahoma an apology,” said ODP Chairman Wallace Collins.

Now several weeks later and only after he has been criticized for his response — or lack thereof — to the incident, Bridenstine finally responded to the activist’s deranged comments:  

A public figure cannot control what people say in open meetings. I obviously did not condone and I do not approve of grossly inappropriate language. It is outrageous that irresponsible parties would attribute another person’s reckless remarks to me.