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Wayne LaPierre: 'We Gun Owners Are A Heck Of A Lot Smarter Than You'll Ever Be'

The NRA's Wayne LaPierre spoke at Liberty University yesterday, where he told the students gathered for convocation that American gun owners are smarter than everyone else and are perhaps some of the smartest people in all of human history.

"So many of those elites, they think they're better than us," he stated. "They somehow think they're more sophisticated. They think they're more intellectually evolved somehow than we are. Or they think they're just somehow plain smarter than we are. Well, I've got news for the elites who look down their noses at all of us and our rights: We gun owners are a heck of a lot smarter than you'll ever be. It's true."

"In all of history," he continued, "there's never been a group of citizens so engaged, so determined, so resolute and so unified in defending freedom, so politically savvy and individually prepared and responsible for protecting our families and our communities. Never have there been smarter, freer American citizens than America's one hundred million gun owners."

"Let me say that again," he emphasized, "in all of the world, some of the smartest citizens are American gun owners."