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Wanted: Volunteers To Stop 'Immigrant Youth Invasion,' Must Not Be Members Of 'Truly Racist Organizations'

William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC hopes to gather an army of civilian volunteers over the 4th of July weekend to “go to the border to shut down the new invasion of illegals who are minors” as part of what he’s calling “Operation American Shield.”

In an “emergency broadcast message” yesterday, Gheen pleaded with his followers to come to El Paso to stand against the “Obama orchestrated illegal immigrant youth invasion” which he claims is part of a strategy originating with George Soros to “pursue their overthrow of the American Republic disguised as ‘immigration reform.’”

Gheen writes that “Operation American Shield will be modeled after the very successful nonviolent passive resistance movements of historic note” and as such stipulates that his supporters be unarmed and have “no affiliations with any truly racist organizations.” He of course excludes his own organization from this caveat, writing, “This does not mean affiliations with all of the good groups like ALIPAC that have been falsely labeled racist or violent by Soros backed smear groups.”

While Gheen sees Operation American Shield as a “nonviolent passive resistance movement,” he compares his movement to the violent militia group Minuteman Project.

Gheen seems to be going at this project alone so far, since he adds a plea for a major national spokesperson to his alert: “We respectfully request that Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Senator Jeff Sessions, Congressman Steve King, Congressman Joe Wilson, Michael Savage, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Matt Drudge, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine, filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Congressman Lou Barletta, Rep. Candice Miller, or someone with their level of remaining media access step up to lead Operation American Shield at the border.”

We are calling for a peaceful citizen protest of the new illegal alien amnesty plan being conducted by the Obama administration called Operation American Shield to take place in El Paso on the weekend of July 4, 2014, and we need as many of you to come participate as possible! We must go to the border to shut down the new invasion of illegals who are minors!

It has been a hard fought battle, but now Obama is violating his oath of office, the Constitution, and numerous existing federal laws simply because high level Republicans are unwilling to impeach and remove him since they serve many of the same global elites that Obama serves!

Our border is now besieged by a great flow of illegal immigrants under the age of 18 who are being persuaded by the Spanish language media in South and Central America to bum rush America illegally and immediately!

Our Border Patrol agents are calling out for help from lawmakers and the public because they are being forced to let in violent criminals and to engage in the kind of human smuggling they are sworn to fight on our behalf. We need to let them know that help is on the way

Obama's administration and much of the American media are orchestrating this invasion by sending the message that America's laws and borders have been overthrown from within by the highest levels of our own government, which is comprised of lawmakers who were elected through massive expenditures combined with lies and deception.

Already, planes have been landing deep inside America filled with these new illegal immigrant kids. Obama and the backers of immigration reform amnesty are betting that soft-hearted Americans would never dare turn away children, and they are using these children to pursue their overthrow of the American Republic disguised as "immigration reform."

The US Border Patrol has essentially been ordered to aid and abet the drug cartels and illegal immigrants at our borders.

This new form of invasion, which relies upon treachery and treason in the top echelons of our own government, represents a deadly threat to our entire system of national security! It is an overthrow of our laws, the Constitution and our elections because those we have elected to Congress have passed legislation saying none of this should ever be allowed to happen!

We are updating our homepage at with as many stories as possible to inform you of this new level of threat where some estimate that around 250,000 new illegal immigrant kids are going to enter America rapidly in this fashion with the coerced support of the Border Patrol per orders from Obama who is probably acting on orders from his boss George Soros!

We apologize to everyone for our short delay addressing this new crisis in full, but our resources have been strained playing a role in the defeat of Eric Cantor. We are a political action committee and we would have even held back illegal immigration supporter Lindsey Graham if we had been able to raise and spend a few thousand more dollars! If the Border Patrol is going to fly all of these new illegal immigrant kids into the country, I say we send them all to South Carolina where they can be with Lindsey Graham and these Republicans who voted for their own electoral doom by reelecting him in last week's primary battle!

Operation American Shield will need many American citizen volunteers who have clean criminal records and no affiliations with any truly racist organizations. This does not mean affiliations with all of the good groups like ALIPAC that have been falsely labeled racist or violent by Soros backed smear groups. Operation American Shield will be a fully racially inclusive effort as one of our core goals is to unite Americans of all races and walks of life who support America's borders and existing immigration laws and the Constitution!

Operation American Shield will be modeled after the very successful nonviolent passive resistance movements of historic note.

All Operation American Shield participants will need to volunteer for affordable ($25) background checks and agree to serve gun free. While I am a huge supporter of the Second Amendment, it is imperative that we all go as sheep before the wolves. We must go unarmed to the border.

We are going to observe the border and document what is happening as we place ourselves physically in the way of the illegal immigrants. This is our nation and this is our border and we have the right to stand on it, in front of it, and to make a statement to the world that the border is closed to illegals.

When the Minuteman Project went to the US-Mexico Border in 2005, it was proven that citizen volunteers could secure sections of the border from illegal traffic. Furthermore, illegal crossings in all sections of the border slowed and stopped in reaction to the presence of civilian watchdog groups. In Washington, DC, politicians were forced to focus more attention on border security instead of trying to pass immigration reform amnesty which would permanently destroy America's borders.

Everyone in America must quickly realize that the Obama orchestrated illegal immigrant youth invasion that our Border Patrol agents are being ordered to assist with is what these treacherous elites have planned for America's future... Open borders and unending waves of people pouring into America until the current peoples, laws, and values of Americans are permanently submerged beneath destructive waves of impoverished humanity.

We respectfully request that Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Senator Jeff Sessions, Congressman Steve King, Congressman Joe Wilson, Michael Savage, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Matt Drudge, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine [sic], filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, Congressman Lou Barletta, Rep. Candice Miller, or someone with their level of remaining media access step up to lead Operation American Shield at the border.

Emphases are ours.