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Walid Shoebat Continues To Attack Anti-Gay Activists Who Criticized His Son's Extremist Anti-Gay Views

Earlier this week, we noted that radical father-and-son duo Walid and Theodore Shoebat are locked in a battle with a few fellow anti-gay activists who denounced Theodore's recent declaration that Jesus would personally beat gays to death.

The attacks on his son promoted the elder Shoebat to fire off a furious screed in which he attacked Theodore's detractors as nothing but quisling appeasers who refuse to acknowledge that "Jesus killed the sodomites." And the battle, it seems, continues to rage as Walid has now penned yet another lengthy attack on his son's primary critic, Michael Brown, calling Brown an agent of Satan who is carrying out a "spiritual water-boarding" against him in an attempt to brand him with the "mark of the beast": 

"I will publicly mark him and warn others that he is now living in a fantasy world” the warning said as Theodore perused his twitter messages. Theodore received a threat regarding his father (me) that he will be receiving some dreaded mark. Alarmed at this, Theodore showed me.

It was none other than Dr. Michael Brown from the “Ask Dr. Brown” show who can answer the toughest theological questions one can muster up and now he came to give Theodore an ultimatum, that his father will receive some sort of public mark of shame unless we all repent and gain acceptance throughout his community. According to Dr. Brown, we needed him to lift up a curse (made by him) and receive his anointing to be cleansed. But as it turns out, such anointing is akin to the mark of the beast, where I would have to denounce not only my own son, but my convictions, where at some point in time he was even trying to pit us against each other. From February 16th to February 21, six days of hell, we had to endure his attempted exorcism as if we were possessed by demons when the whole time the exorcist was behaving like one.

So many threatening messages we got from this ‘Bible answer man’ saying that unless I take down an article I wrote in response to him, regardless that it was he who drew first blood and we simply responded.

Now I “will be marked” by him for the whole Evangelical elites to cast me out as a “blasphemer” even though he showed no evidence of any blasphemy.


This was not just the typical American style arm-twisting tactic I am well familiar with where you apply pressure then let go until the subject submits. It was a spiritual water-boarding which the only way out is to either submit to the will of a wolf acting on behalf of God, or for me to sprinkle more holy water and cast out the demon.

I decided to entertain the whole fiasco with his relentless attempts. The experience was more like we both were doing an exorcism on each other. It reminded me so much when Christ was taken to a high mountain and tested. The communiqué was littered with mixed messages with the same repetitions “I will mark  you” while at the same time he says “I will pray for you” and that he is “reaching out” to us “in love”. They always use such phrases, just as Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss.

But when all failed, all the love vanished. This charismatic gestapo transferred to my son thinking he was pursuing the weaker vessel.