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Virginia Elections Take a Spooky Turn With Accusations of 'Impeachment Witch Hunt'

The Virginia elections took a spooky national turn on Halloween thanks to the Republican Party of Virginia. In mailers, first reported on by BlueVirginia’s lowkell, the state party accused national Democratic leaders of carrying out a witch hunt in their impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, evoking a religious right call to protect Trump from witchcraft.

The mailers show Rep. Adam Schiff and the right’s favorite two women to demonize, Hillary Clinton and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in witch hats next to the text “STOP THE IMPEACHMENT WITCH HUNT” in spooky orange lettering.

The backside of the mailer features Clinton’s image, despite the fact that she is no longer in or running for public office. Next to it is a quote presumably designed to make recipients believe was said by Clinton, which reads, “DONALD TRUMP’S GOING TO BE ‘VERY, VERY HARD’ TO BEAT IF HE’S NOT IMPEACHED.” The quote is, in fact, a misleading Breitbart headline. The mailer asks readers to “VOTE REPUBLICAN NOVEMBER 5TH.”

Virginia Republicans aren’t the only ones worried about witches in the lead up to Halloween. As Right Wing Watch’s Peter Montgomery reported last week, Intercessors for America has been very concerned about "occultic activity" against Trump. “Witches, warlocks, occultists, and resisters of President Trump are focusing their negative energy and spiritual power toward President Trump right now,” Intercessors for America said in a new prayer guide.

Right Wing Watch also reported on “Prophetic” author Lance Wallanu’s plans to broadcast on how to break witches’ curses this week, while anti-LGBTQ activist Mike Brown warned of Jezebel, which has led to the rise of “witchcraft and sorcery” in America.

It may come of no surprise that religious right figures like Brown and end-times writer Jonathan Cahn have compared Clinton to Jezebel, while ardent Trump supporter and right-wing activist Theodore Shoebat has argued that Clinton should be put to death for witchcraft.

With just days to go until statewide elections, Virginia Republicans are facing the possibility that they will lose their majorities in the Virginia House and Senate, and have turned to more incendiary messaging to rile up the base. Perhaps Republicans willingness to portray Clinton and Pelosi as witches, as the religious right has, shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.