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VDARE: South Should Secede (Again) If Immigration Reform Passes

Noting that Southern lawmakers have traditionally supported punitive and restrictive immigration policies, William Houston of the white nationalist group VDARE thinks it might be time for the South to once again mount a rebellion if Congress approves immigration reform. Houston believes that Southern opposition to new immigration laws, along with marriage equality, affirmative action, Obamacare, environmental protection and gun violence prevention legislation, are reason enough for the states to secede from the US and refuse to “continue to carry the rest of America on its back.”

How long can Dixie continue to carry the rest of America on its back? In the U.S. Senate, the Northeastern states voted 21 to 1 in favor of "comprehensive immigration reform." In 2010, every single representative from New England voted for the DREAM Act. And in 1965, every single representative in the House from the Northeast voted for the Immigration Act of 1965, and only one senator from the Northeast voted against it.

If history is our guide, Southern Republicans in the House will again probably succeed in killing "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" this time around.

But what about next time? How long can we expect this charade to continue? For almost fifty years now, Dixie has voted for border security and against Third World immigration. But, because of the existence of the Union with the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest, we have gotten illegal alien amnesty, Open Borders, and Third World immigration—among a laundry list of other undesirable things that could never pass an all-Southern Congress.

Polls have already showed that, for example, 26% of Georgians and 42% of Georgia Republicans were prepared to support secession after President Obama’s re-election. GA Republicans split on secession, Deal vulnerable, Public Policy Polling, December 07, 2012. As Southerners consider Harold Meyerson's implacably hostile words, and as they react to the recent Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage and Affirmative Action, the recent Senate votes on illegal alien amnesty and gun control, and the upcoming debate on "climate change" legislation and the imminent implementation of Obamacare, millions of them have already no doubt begun—in the phrase widely used in the ante-bellum period—to "calculate the value of the Union."