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Trump Tells Pat Robertson He Gets Along ‘Very, Very Well’ With Putin

Donald Trump sits down with Pat Robertson in July 2017 (Image from video at

President Trump sat down for an interview today with Religious Right icon Pat Robertson, telling him that Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win the presidential election because Trump is “a big military person” but assuring him that he and Putin get along “very, very well.”

As the White House is engulfed in a scandal about the Trump campaign’s contacts with the Russian government, Trump has found solace in his fans in the Religious Right, hosting a group of conservative pastors at the Oval Office on Monday and participating in what seems to be a less-than-hard-hitting interview with Robertson.

In clips of the interview posted on the website of Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network (the full interview will air tomorrow on Robertson’s show “The 700 Club,”) the president tells Robertson that Putin would have preferred to see Clinton elected because of Trump’s support for the military and for fracking and plans to “create tremendous energy." (Never mind that we learned yesterday that Trump’s son was assured during the campaign of “Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.”)

Trump told Robertson that he and Putin “ got along very well, and I think that’s a good thing, not a bad thing.”

Trump added that aside from his “excellent meeting” with Putin, he “got along, I think, really fantastically with the head of every country” at the G20.