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TPN Author: Jefferson 'Demanded Total Repeal' of Slavery, Just Like Ted Cruz Is Doing For Obamacare

In an article emailed to Tea Party Nation members on Monday, Lloyd Marcus, an activist, songwriter, and self-described “(black) Unhyphenated American” sings the praises of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, whom he compares to Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, and accuses Cruz’s “establishment” critics of being no better than Don Corleone.

Marcus’ most colorful analogy is between Cruz and Jefferson, whom Marcus insists “demanded total repeal” of slavery, just like Cruz is demanding the repeal of Obamacare. “Like Jefferson standing firm on repealing slavery, Sen. Cruz has stood firm on the total repeal of Obamacare,” Marcus writes. He must be reading David Barton.

Marcus goes on to compare Cruz’s crusade to the Continental Army’s fight to “resist the mighty British.”

From what I recall of my childhood, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s civil rights movement was not universally embraced in the black community. Some blacks were frightened by his actions and angry at the “crazy” colored man for stirring up trouble. “He is making things worse for Negros!” MLK became an American icon.

Considering that slavery was the norm, founding father Thomas Jefferson calling slavery a “moral depravity” and the greatest threat to the survival of our new nation was a “crazy” thing to say.

Talk about history repeating itself, attempts were made to seduce Jefferson with “fixes” for slavery. If slavery could be made kinder and gentler, that would nullify the need to repeal it. Jefferson did not fall for their trap. He demanded total repeal. The Obama Administration is attempting to bamboozle Republicans with “fixes” for Obamacare. Like Jefferson standing firm on repealing slavery, Sen. Cruz has stood firm on the total repeal of Obamacare.

It was pretty “crazy” for Gen. George Washington and his rag-tag Continental Army to resist the mighty British. In the winter snow at Valley Forge, Washington and his troops had no heat, not enough food, medicine or doctors; 2,500 troops died from the severe conditions and another 2,500 went home. Only 6,000 cold starving soldiers stayed to fight.

Though suffering many defeats and retreats, Washington and his men ultimately won America's war for independence.

Every great idea and movement began with a visionary leader besieged by naysayers accusing them of being crazy, stupid or arrogant; annoyed at them for even trying. “Who do you think you are?”

As do eagles, great leaders typically fly alone.

Freshman Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz is an eagle.

A “Wanted Politically Dead or Alive” bounty is out on Cruz's head for daring to go against the establishment. Like Don Michael Corleone told his brother Fredo to never go against the family before having him murdered, freshman Sen. Cruz was expected to know never go against the Washington DC establishment. Republicans, Democrats and the media would love to see Sen. Cruz politically sleeping with the fishes.