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This Edition Of Paranoia-Rama Is Just A Distraction From Benghazi

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

In a desperate attempt to distract from the GOP’s sad and dishonest effort to turn the 2012 Benghazi attack into a political sideshow, we have decided to post Paranoia-Rama today, as we always do on Fridays.

5. Obamacare Death Lists

It’s no wonder that Glenn Beck wants to recruit Rep. Louie Gohmert to run for the U.S. Senate, as the Texas GOP congressman recently warned that health care reform will lead to death lists.

While appearing on The Blaze, Beck’s TV network, Gohmert said that in order to preserve Obamacare, the Obama administration will have to “put people on lists” where they will “die waiting to get the treatment and care.” 

“This is where socialized medicine always goes,” he lamented.

Back in March, Gohmert similarly claimed that as a result of Obamacare, “we [will] see the morality rate start coming down, you die earlier, not because it’s an actual death panel but because you don’t get the treatment.”

4. Sharia Law In The Military

Yesterday, more than a year after he absurdly claimed that the Obama administration has issued a “litmus test for leadership in the military” based on whether prospective leaders “will fire on U.S. citizens or not,” activist Garrow “revealed” another dubious Obama military litmus test: whether service members “support” the “islamic [sic] ideology.”

The "new" Litmus Test of all senior officials of the Federal Government and their agencies.


As many will remember (except those who support Obama) I broke the news on January 20th of 2013 that senior members of the military were being asked a "litmus test" question to determine if they would be allowed to continue in their positions. That question determined if their loyalties lay with Obama.
Well it is now almost a year and a half later and I am now assured by many that the new criteria for senior leadership is their attitude towards and support of muslims [sic] and the islamic [sic] ideology.

Your Christian nation is now fully at the service of islam [sic] and its hateful ideology. The treason is complete and utter in its depth and breadth. Mark this date, May 1, 2014, the day that America was warned that the muslim-marxist [sic] in the White House Barack Hussein Obama is remaking the public service and government agencies into Sharia compliant entities as the next step in the subjugation of America to islam [sic].

- Dr. Jim Garrow -

please share this everywhere - the warning must be given - we are betrayed

3. Donald Sterling Scandal Meant To Distract From Benghazi

Since GOP activists failed in their truly bizarre campaign to link LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling to the Democratic Party (it turns out he is a registered Republican), they have now moved on to attempting to link the controversy over Sterling’s racist remarks to Benghazi.

Fox News contributor and former GOP congressman Allen West denounced the media’s coverage of the Sterling scandal as an attempt to cover up President Obama’s “incessant lies, deceit and abject failures,” particularly about the Benghazi attack.

Media Matters reports that West cited Sterling’s racist remarks in a Fox News Radio interview to call for greater public uproar over Benghazi: “The outrage of the public seems to be totally focused on Mr. Sterling but, you know, you've got this thing with Benghazi and we have an even bigger lie, an even bigger deceit, which is even more impactful on the country that no one is really caring about.”

2. Mass Grave For Cliven Bundy Militia

After suggesting that the military rise up against Obama in response to the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Gordon Klingenschmitt is now warning that the government may begin digging a mass grave as it purportedly prepares to murder Cliven Bundy and his allied militiamen.

“Mass graves dug by the government, this time for the cattle, but next time, maybe for the cowboys, right?” he asked. “I suspect that in some months to come, there's going to be some secret mission by the feds to go in there and punish the people who are standing for freedom.”

1. Bundy Psy-ops

The Oath Keepers, an extremist right-wing group, is attempting to distance itself from a rumor it started that the Obama administration was imminently launching a drone strike against Bundy’s ranch.

The founder of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, reportedly claimed that “Eric Holder approved a hot drone strike on the Bundy ranch within 48 hours.”

But a new Oath Keepers memo blames President Obama for the Oath Keepers’ own baseless claim, insisting that the drone rumor was actually an Obama “psy-ops” mission to discredit and undermine the Oath Keepers’ presence at Bundy’s ranch. The group says they were merely “indicating that a drone attack was at least ‘possible.’”

“Oath Keepers is tremendously happy that nothing happened and that this was a bad tip, a piece of ‘dis-info’, a ‘psy-op,’” a group spokesman said. “A typical FBI psy-op would plant ‘leaders’ in every militia they could infiltrate. What those sorts of FBI agents or surrogates do is always ‘handled.’”

Thanks for clarifying!

Of course the Bunkerland was filled with plenty of other crazy rants, including one by militia leader Mike Vanderboegh who warned of a “civil war” to protect the Bundy ranch (and also threatened to have Harry Reid’s “balls ripped off”).