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Theodore Shoebat: Hillary Clinton Is A Devil Worshipper Who Must Be Put To Death

In his latest video, extremist right-wing activist Theodore Shoebat declared that Hillary Clinton is a devil worshipper who wants to kill Christians and therefore must be put to death. 

Shoebat declared that Clinton is a "sick woman" and a "decrepit, reprobate wretch," but he couldn't quite bring himself to openly call her a "bitch" because "this is a family show," so instead he simply called her "a female dog."

She is probably also a lesbian, he asserted, and a devil worshipper. 

"The facts are the woman hates children," he said. "The facts are the woman loves homosexuality, so would it surprise me if it was confirmed, emphatically, that she is a sodomite? Would not surprise me in the least bit. The woman is a sick devil worshipper. She's a devil worshipper! It would not surprise me in the least bit that this woman goes into a dark room somewhere and worships the devil in front of an image of Baphomet."

Shoebat went on to praise Trump advisor Al Baldasaro for calling for Clinton to be shot for treason.

"That is what I have been saying for years in regards to evil people who ruin society with invidious beliefs, with dangerous and diabolical and deceptive beliefs," he said. "I have said that people who promote homosexuality should be put to death. I have said that people who promote witchcraft and occultism and yoga and all that demonic stuff should be put to death."

"Hillary Clinton is worthy of death," Shoebat proclaimed. "She supports the slaughtering of millions of American babies. She promotes homosexuality, which is against human life ... She would love to see the death of all Christians. I kid you not. Do not think for a second that that woman, if she had the chance, would [hesitate to] put people like me in concentration camps, would put Christians in concentration camps and kill Christians. I'm not saying that she'll succeed, but that's what she wants to do. What do you think she deserves? This type of woman, this evil, wicked woman, what do you think she deserves? She deserves the death penalty. End of story."

Shoebat and his father Walid were behind the baseless report that Khizr Khan, the father of a slain Muslim-American soldier who blasted Donald Trump in a speech at the Democratic National Convention last month, is a Muslim Brotherhood spy and that his late son was an Islamist terrorist; a claim that was widely promoted by Trump supporters and campaign surrogates.