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The Sincerest Form of Flattery? Tea Party Group Copies MoveOn Fundraising Email

The progressive group has an unexpected fan in Tea Party Nation’s Judson Phillips.

In fact, Phillips is so enamored with the group’s email strategy that he copied a MoveOn fundraising email last week and repurposed it to raise money for his own group.

Last Thursday, MoveOn sent an email to its list with the subject line, “MoveOn sells out?” The email read, in part:

Dear MoveOn member,

Some hard news in this holiday season: Effective January 1, we're selling out to Monsanto and other big corporations.

Not enough MoveOn members have chipped in to support the organization over the last few months. To keep operations going, we see no other option than to start taking big corporate money.

Soon you'll see ads from corporations on our website. ExxonMobil has asked to sponsor some vigils in the new year. Monsanto and Koch Industries are itching to run ads on our website to "set the record straight."

We just didn't want you to be surprised.



** Satire Alert.**

Is your heart beating faster? Mine is. That was terrifying to write out, even in jest.

To be clear: the above is completely false. It's an absurd doomsday scenario that won't happen—and I'm sharing it here to remind us of what's so essential about who we are. I'll say more below, but please click here to chip in $3 to keep MoveOn strong and independent heading into 2014.

Thanks for all you do (and sorry if I spooked you!).

–Anna, Mark, Maria, Stephen, and the rest of the team

Last Night, Tea Party Nation sent out an email with a subject line that sounded familiar: “Is Tea Party Nation selling out?” The text also rang a bell:

Dear Tea Party Nation supporter,

We wanted you to hear the news from us first.  As of the first of the year, Tea Party Nation is selling out to Karl Rove and the Republican Establishment.

It has been a tough year and we have to pay our bills like everyone else, so on January 1st, we are selling out to Karl Rove and the RNC.

Beginning January 1st, you will start getting updates from John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain and the Chamber of Commerce, letting you know how their plans for government spending and growth will help freedom and liberty in America.

Okay, I am kidding about all of that.

Your blood pressure can come down now and your pulse can slow.  But without your support, Tea Party Nation and other Tea Party groups cannot stay on the job.  To make sure we fighting  the Establishment and the liberals, can you please send us your generous contribution of $5, $10, $25, $50 or $100?

Thank you for all that you do for liberty and Merry Christmas!

Judson Phillips, Founder
Tea Party Nation.

We guess TPN really is hitting hard financial times if they’re forced to recycle fundraising emails from liberal groups.