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The Men of the American Family Association Explain how George Clooney Swung the Election to Obama

American Family Association president Tim Wildmon and research director Ed Vitagliano today spoke to WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah about how they are all still astonished that Obama won re-election. Vitagliano apparently did his research into the Obama campaigns strategies, and figured out that “they hooked women to Obama through these Hollywood stars” like George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker. Vitagliano said that our “devolved” culture has made women voters simply think, “‘I love George Clooney, George Clooney loves President Obama, therefore I love President Obama.’” Farah concurred and said Hollywood is “bombarding” Americans with “unconstitutional” and “ungodly” ideas, and asserted that even law schools no longer teach the Constitution.

Vitagliano: They said ‘what Hollywood star do women love’ and they found that they love overwhelmingly George Clooney, so what they did is they went and got George Clooney to have a dinner with President Obama and then they had a big fundraiser and they said to women, ‘if you want to have dinner with George Clooney and President Obama here is how much you pay per plate for this big fundraiser.’ They did the same thing in the east with Sarah Jessica Parker, who was a beloved icon of many women. So what they did, and it’s brilliant even while cynical, is they hooked women to Obama through these Hollywood stars. These women were saying well ‘George Clooney loves President Obama,’ and a fair number of them I’m guessing said, ‘so I love President Obama,’ and the same thing with Sarah Jessica Parker. That to me, and this is obviously an overstatement, that to me is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned that when they were hoping for a well-informed electorate being advised of the issues and studying the issues, no, what we’ve devolved to is ‘I love George Clooney, George Clooney loves President Obama, therefore I love President Obama.’

Farah: That’s right. We think these decisions that America made on Election Day every four years or every two years but they’re really not; how does George Clooney become this icon to women? How does Sarah Jessica Parker become an icon? That’s the culture that is operating 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s bombarding us with these immoral, unprincipled, unconstitutional, ungodly ideals. That has an effect. You can’t deny that it has an effect. Who is speaking for God in our culture? Who is standing up for God in our culture? Who is standing up for the Constitution in our culture? Is it being taught in our law schools? Come on, it hasn’t been for years.

Farah argued that America is now facing God’s judgment and it is “going to get worse” because “the little pockets of blue are dictating to the big swaths of red.” Apparently, Farah hasn’t figured out that those “little pockets of blue” evidently have more people residing in them than the “big swaths of red” and that geographical size doesn’t determine population. Later, Wildmon expressed utter amazement that Americans re-elected Obama, and Farah said a person randomly selected from a phone book should have been able to defeat the President.

Farah: When you look at that election map and you see the big swaths of red and the little pockets of blue and the little pockets of blue are dictating to the big swaths of red. This isn’t new, this isn’t just in 2012, this has been the case for many, many years, every election in my lifetime has been like this but it’s getting worse. So what’s the answer? I think there’s only a couple of things we can do, we’ve talked about them before together, I think it is very important that Christians get down on their knees and tremble before God for what has happened to this country, what we’re going to be experiencing for the foreseeable future here and really take a good look at 2 Chronicles 7:14. That is not talking about the whole country coming to repentance, it’s talking about the people who are ‘called by my name,’ it’s us, it’s the believers, if we do this, God will answer. I really believe that, I think we have got to embrace that view very strongly in the days ahead. I do believe America is facing judgment and I think we’re in the midst of it and I think it’s going to get worse.

Wildmon: This was history made Tuesday night in this respect: a fellow won re-election for president who was by all measurements a failure, an utter and complete failure.

Farah: It’s so unbelievable, unthinkable, inconceivable, by what standard of measurement do the American people use to evaluate this guy? I mean if he was running against just some guy you picked out of the phone book you would have thought they would’ve rejected Obama because he is a complete and total failure.