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The Craziest Obama Conspiracy Theory Gets Even Crazier

Back in May we reported on an amazing conspiracy theory that seemed to bring all of the far right's fears about Obama, Islam, environmentalism and immigration together: essentially, President Obama is going to collapse the world economy, causing Muslim immigrants to flood the U.S. and give Obama the opportunity to settle them on land seized under Agenda 21 and establish Sharia law. But that was just scratching the surface.

Author Avi Lapkin has been making the rounds in churches warning audiences of the nefarious plot, and is frequently cited as a “scholar” by the American Family Association’s news division, OneNewsNow. Yesterday he appeared on Today’s Issues with the AFA’s Tim Wildmon and Marvin Sanders, who said that Lipkin “shines the light of truth on what’s going on in the Middle East” and “has a clear picture” of “what’s going on in the Middle East.”

So what did Lipkin tell them? After once again warning of the Obama-immigration-Agenda21-sharia plot, Lipkin said that the Muslim population in the U.S. isn’t 0.6 percent, as official estimates assert [pdf], but actually 10 percent because the government is flying millions of Muslims into the country on charter jets. Once they come in, they marry American women turn them into “baby factories for Islam.”

What you have today is close to ten percent of the population is Muslim. You have 307 million Americans, you have 9 million Shiite Iranians who fled from Iran after 1979 when the Shah fell—these were allies of the U.S. if they had not fled they would have been killed by Khomeini—7 million Arabs, about 16 million between the Shiites and the Sunnis, four million Farrakhan Nation of Islam, that’s 20 million. I can tell you with all authenticity because I’ve been collecting this information all around the country that there are charter jets bringing Muslims into this country every day for free, at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer of course, people in Washington are bribed, the floodgates are open and they’re bringing in Muslims from Somalis, Palestinians, Bosnians, Algerians, Egyptians. Nobody even has a clue to exactly how many, I predict there are between 20 to 30 million Muslims in America and this fact is not lost on the election campaign in November.

What happens after they come here is that they marry Christian women, Jewish and Christian American women and then these women become baby factories for Islam because it’s the religion of the father. So if a Muslim father marries a Christian or Jewish mother the children are going to be Muslim. Then they get passports because they married an American woman and once they get passports they bring in their families from the Middle East. So what we’ve seen happening is not one university but we’ve seen hundreds of universities doing this and that’s one of the reasons why I’m saying this is very stealth like, it’s very insidious. Nobody sees it happening but you have a process paid with oil money to bring in millions of Muslims into this country very quietly with student visas and other things but eventually its family reunification. I’ve been following this for the last thirty years and most Americans can’t believe anything I’m saying but I’m on the cutting edge of this.

He later said that an attack on Iran’s nuclear program is imminent but that nuclear disarmament and the promotion of democracy are not the real reasons for the hostility to the Iranian regime. According to Lipkin, the real reason behind the looming attack is that Obama is a Sunni Muslim who is controlled by the leaders of Saudi Arabia who want Iran’s oil wealth and are intent on stopping Iran from preventing the rise of…the one world government.

Lipkin explains that the Illuminati and the Free Masons control the world and pick America’s presidents and want to use Iran’s oil as part of their nefarious and secretive agenda to control the world.

I’m predicting that the globalist one world government insists on getting that oil and to do that you have to overthrow the regime. The problem is not the nuclear threat, the problem is the regime. Fourthly, I think Obama’s a Muslim, he’s a Sunni Muslim on orders from Saudi and the Saudis are afraid to get their heads chopped off by the Shiite Iranians, therefore the Saudis are commanding Obama to terminate the Shiite regime. All of this is in my teachings. So the four reasons for war with Iran, the nuclear threat and democracy are the least of the reasons.

I think what we’ve been seeing over the last few decades is that America has been having its leaders chosen, Democrat or Republican, chosen by the one world government, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission, whatever you want to call these people, these are people who control the world. Unfortunately, Jesus Christ is not important to them, what’s important to them is oil and money. Christianity and Judaism can be sacrificed relatively speaking as long as they have oil and the cash and the Muslims have that, but it’s the Sunnis who have it and the Shiites who are trying to bring it all down. So the Shiites and the Sunnis are working at cross-purposes and what we see here is an alliance between the Sunni Muslims, the Christians and Israel against Shiite Iran.