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Tea Party Sheriff: Obama Trying To 'Emasculate' Police In Order To Impose Dictatorial Control

Back in March, a task force that President Obama convened to create recommendations for local policing in wake of the Ferguson protests released its report, which included nonbinding recommendations that local law enforcement track and share various statistics and work to increase trust within their communities.

This, of course, did not sit well with Gun Owners of America’s Larry Pratt, who invited the Tea Party’s favorite sheriff, David Clarke of Milwaukee County, onto his radio program this weekend to discuss how the presidential task force’s report is actually part of President Obama’s plan to “emasculate” the police and impose dictatorial control.

Clarke told Pratt that the report was a “sham” that was “put together on a false narrative” as part of Obama’s “attempt to federalize all local police so he can control them the way that a dictator uses the police in a dictatorship or a police state.”

Pratt responded by citing a 2008 Obama campaign speech that conspiracy theorists have twisted to claim that the president wants to set up a “civilian police force” loyal just to him: “That’s exactly what he said when he was campaigning, that he wanted to have a police force that was superior, or at least equal to, anything else in the country. That’s pretty stunning because our Constitution doesn’t provide for the feds to be cops.”

Clarke, however, said that all of this isn’t just Obama’s fault, but instead a product of “this cultural revolution that’s going on now” driven by liberal elites.

“One of the things that they know they have to do is they have to emasculate the police,” he said. “So this is really not about the use of force. In terms of the left, Ferguson was not about the use of force, it was not about the use of force on black males in these urban centers, it wasn’t even about policing. It is an objective of seizing control, federal control of these law enforcement agencies and turn them into Gestapo-type members to advance their liberal agenda, their socialist agenda.”

“They always talk about the ends justifying the means and, you know, their intentions are masked, okay?” he added.  “Their true intention is to implement this socialist agenda here in the United States, to get rid of the United States Constitution, get rid of our representative democracy and replace it with control by a few elites. And that’s not just the people who are here right now, because Barack Obama’s just being used by this whole movement because he has the power, but they put him in power.”