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Tea Party Nation Wants Senate GOP To Block Every Single Future Obama Nominee

Yesterday, after an extended and unbending campaign of obstruction by Senate Republicans, Democrats in the Senate invoked the so-called “nuclear option” and reduced the threshold for confirming most presidential nominees to a simple majority.

Judson Phillips, president of Tea Party Nation, responded by urging Senate Republicans, if they take control of the Senate after next year’s elections, to “summarily reject” “every one of Obama’s appointees for everything” – a policy that would eventually bring federal agencies and courts to a standstill.

Of course, it was Tea Party Republicans’ blanket obstruction President Obama’s nominees that led to the rules change in the first place.

Harry Reid has in one afternoon destroyed 225 years of history, precedent and probably destroyed any chance the Republicans and Democrats could agree on anything for the foreseeable future.

As long as Mitch McConnell is in charge of the Senate Republicans, I have my doubts anything will happen.  The Republicans should stand united against this usurpation.

The founding fathers made it very easy to gum up the system so that there would not be rash acts and so that even a minority could stop a really bad idea (like any of Barack Obama’s judicial nominees.)

When the Republicans take control of the Senate in 2015, which they are almost certain to do, every one of Obama’s appointees for anything, should be summarily rejected.