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Swanson: 'Women Do Not Love Their Children' and Society is Coming to an End

Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner of Generations Radio issued a grim prediction for the future of the family last week. The pair cited the results of the recent Pew Social Trends Survey on the rise of “breadwinner moms” as evidence that “women care less about their children” than men do.

Swanson easily explained this apathy. For more than half a century, he said, the “feminist zeitgeist” has been berating women with the message, “You do not love your children, you kill your children,” and, “You get out of that house, you do not raise your children.”

What’s the takeaway message? “Women do not love their children as they used to,” and it’s all Margaret Sanger’s fault.

Swanson: Because there are so many women in the work force, the women’s hearts are not home. There are far more men who say it would be better if moms could stay home because apparently the dads still care about the kids. The moms, it’s a lower percentage Dave, 45% say it’d be better if moms were home, 67% of men say it would be better if moms were home, meaning there are far far more women- or far far more men- who say that it’d be better if moms were home because women care less about their children and about the influence they could have on their children because Dave I think they’re already in the work force and they certainly don’t want to say it’d be better if I were home. That’s the issue.

Buehner: Well Kevin this may run contrary to the social narrative but the social narrative is wrong. Think about it. The vast majority of divorces, they’re filed by women. The vast majority of children who are killed in the womb are killed on the sole discretion of a woman. So when we get this idea in our social narrative that women love children more than men, women love family more than men, are more protective, the data is absolutely the opposite way. That’s why you end up with more men who think it would be good if their children had a functional household and mom was there to raise them.

Swanson: They’ve been the recipient of a culture, a Margaret Sanger culture, Dave, that has told them ‘You do not love your children, you kill your children. You do not love your children, you kill your children. You do not love your children.’ The Betty Friedans have said, ‘You do not love your children. You get out of that house, you do not raise your children. You do not love your children.’ They have been under that nonstop for the last 50 to 60 to 70 to 80 years. The feminist zeitgeist has been incredibly powerful in working in the hearts and minds of so many tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of women in the Western world. Friends, women do not love their children as they used to.

Swanson later took on an apocalyptic tone, asserting that the rise of the career woman also equals “the end of manhood,” “men,” and “fatherhood.” The rise of the female breadwinner means more than unloved children. It also means the demise of society.

Swanson: Here’s the most telling story of all. From the Pew Research, Pew social trends survey that came out just this week. Friends, this is the most telling story of all. We’re going to look at the millennial generation alright. We’re going to put aside the baby boomers, the ‘Gen-Xers’, we’re going to look at the millennials who are 18 to 30 years of age. Here’s the most telling story of all: 78% of moms are working outside of the home amongst the millennials.

Buehner: I’m sorry how many?

Swanson: 78% of moms are working outside of the home. 17% dad is the primary breadwinner. 61% the mom is the primary breadwinner. 29% are single moms. Okay, there it is. That’s it. 17% of dads, 61% of moms. Friends, it’s over. It’s over, it’s done. That’s it. That’s the end of it. It’s the end of manhood, it’s the end of men, it’s the end of fatherhood, it’s done, we’ve gone over the cliff. 61% of moms are primary breadwinners, 17% of dads among the millenialls, and 78% of moms are working outside of the home. It’s over. There will be no more mothers and of course there are no more fathers. It’s over. And that’s the way that the average Christian, Christian homeschooler, Christian public schooler, that’s the way they’re raising their kids. They’re raising their kids such that 61% of their daughters will be the primary breadwinners and 17% of their sons will be primary breadwinners. Those are the numbers and that’s the numbers that came out from the Pew Research last week. And this is not going to last another generation friends. This is the last generation. You all understand, this is the last. Our society, our social systems are not going to last for another generation. This is the end of it. When there are no more dads, no more fathers, it’s over.