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Swanson & Buehner: New Gonorrhea Strain Sent By God to Punish America; Single Women Have No Rights

As we know, pastors Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner of Generations Radio are no fans of birth control. In fact, Swanson believes that “little tiny fetuses, little babies” are “embedded” into “those wombs of women who have been on the birth control pill.”

Reacting to the news that the FDA has decided to make the morning-after pill available without a prescription to women ages 15 and older, Buehner called the move an attempt “to destroy the patriarchal structure of the family” as part of its “war against God’s family structure.”

According to Buehner, the Bible makes it clear that an unmarried woman “doesn’t have the feminist independence that we hear so much about to make contracts, to buy drugs, to engage in activities without the father’s consent,” as naturally the father should know “what drugs his daughter’s putting into her body” and “whether or not his daughter is out there fornicating with the football team.”

When the government does something like this, their intentions, their self-conscious intention, is to destroy the patriarchal structure of the family. The Book of Numbers is very clear and the Book of Numbers says that ‘when the father hears the vow of his daughter, an obligation to which she’s bound herself, if the father says nothing then the vow stands; but if the father should forbid her on the day he hears of it then none of her vows, none of her obligations of which she has bound herself, shall stand.’ What that means is that a father who has a daughter, she’s not free, she doesn’t have the feminist independence that we hear so much about to make contracts, to buy drugs, to engage in activities without the father’s consent. Now when you tell the father he has no business knowing what drugs his daughter’s putting into her body, when a father has no business knowing whether or not his daughter is out there fornicating with the football team, you’ve destroyed patriarchy even more. I think the government is waging a war against God’s family structure.

Swanson took it one step further by alleging that a new strain of gonorrhea is divine punishment for sexual immorality.

“God is in control and he can send a superbug to wipe out a lot of people who are engaged in this kind of sexuality and if that be the case then I guess we don’t need a political magistrate to do that work for us,” Swanson said.

He knows what’s going on and he will exercise perfect justice and nobody, nobody, nobody is going to get away with this kind of thing. Dave, you mentioned the rise in STDs, sexually transmitted diseases are going to rise I think significantly for 15, 16, 17 year old girls and here’s an article that just came out yesterday: ‘Sex Superbug Could Be Worse Than AIDS.’ It’s an antibiotic resistant strain of gonorrhea and it could knock of these kids in three days. It’s apparently a very virulent disease, it’s a super bug; they consider it a super bug. ‘Some analysts say that the bacteria’s affects could match those of AIDS. This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly…. Even though nearly 30 million people have died from AIDS-related causes, Dr. Christianson believes the effect of the gonorrhea bacteria is more direct. Getting gonorrhea from this strain might put someone in septic shock and death in a matter of days. This is very dangerous.’ Apparently it has hit Hawaii, California and Norway thus far.

This idea that somehow that we are safe and technology can take care of us and we can take a pill for this and a pill for that and everything is going to be hunky-dory and you can get away with whatever kind of sexual activity you want to get away with, there is a God in the heavens, there is a God in the heavens. I know that the average American doesn’t believe that anymore. They don’t fear God, the beginning of wisdom is not the fear of God in these schools, they don’t teach the beginning of knowledge and wisdom is the fear of God in sex-education classrooms. They say, ‘well you know you might get an STD,’ but then the really smart guy says, ‘well that’s alright these government agencies can figure out a way to solve these problems and so I don’t have to worry about any of this.’ Friends, ultimately God is in control and he can send a superbug to wipe out a lot of people who are engaged in this kind of sexuality and if that be the case then I guess we don’t need a political magistrate to do that work for us.

Buehner predicted that within a decade elementary and middle schools will be putting the morning-after pill in vending machines as more and more women have trouble coping with the ramifications of putting “the bullet into the baby’s head.”

Swanson: A lot of these liberals are more than happy to provide abortion and it doesn’t really matter how these girls got to be pregnant, the point being that these little girls can be messed up sexually in so many different ways but society wants to be sure that the child is done away with in the process.

Buehner: Yeah, obviously the goal here is to kill, to keep children from being born, that’s what the pill does, that’s what its point is, to keep children from being born. Now one of the things about the day-after pill is a girl doesn’t know if she’s pregnant, she doesn’t know if conception happened so gets it, she’s like the one in the firing squad, there’s usually one person in the old firing squad who had a blank, she gets the comfort of knowing perhaps that she had the blank and she didn’t actually put the bullet into the baby’s head.

So there is the killing aspect of this but you’re right if the winds of society don’t change the direction they’re blowing not only do I see that this FDA ruling will stand, I believe it will go all the way to the judges’ utopian idea that girls, if they can ask for it they can get it. In fact, I believe you will probably see within a decade that this will be available in vending machines in elementary and junior highs in the near future, within about ten years or so, you just go to the vending machine, put in your fifty cents, get your day-after pill and go on about your life. The social consequences are catastrophic.