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Immigrants’ Rights

Struggling Anti-Immigrant Group Turns on Its Members With Frowny Face, Passive-Aggressive Plea

As the Atlantic’s Molly Ball reported yesterday, the anti-immigrant movement’s attempts to rile up its supporters in opposition to the Senate’s immigration proposal this summer have been largely an embarrassing bust.

The anti-immigrant group ALIPAC stepped up yesterday and took its members to task, sending out an email with the subject line “Uh Oh, Illegals Got the Best of Us Yesterday :(

The group had sent out an appeal asking its members to send a message of support to Tennessee Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais, who gained notoriety over the weekend for telling an 11-year-old girl at a town hall meeting that her father should be deported, provoking enthusiastic applause from his tea party supporters.

“We are not sure what went wrong but we asked all of you to take some very simple steps to fight back against Amnesty yesterday but unfortunately only 1,600 of the more than 40,000 on our e-mail lists, plus the more than 130,000 on our social media would take 5 minutes to act!,” ALIPAC president William Gheen writes. “Thus, we are forgoing what we planned to do today to send you this request once more. Please respond to all ALIPAC activism requests.”

Subject: Uh Oh, Illegals Got the Best of Us Yesterday :(

Friends of ALIPAC,

We are not sure what went wrong but we asked all of you to take some very simple steps to fight back against Amnesty yesterday but unfortunately only 1,600 of the more than 40,000 on our e-mail lists, plus the more than 130,000 on our social media would take 5 minutes to act!

The illegal alien supporters racked up over 82,000 views on their copy of this video and pommeled Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) with angry calls for taking the stance that you and most Americans want him to take!

Thus, we are forgoing what we planned to do today to send you this request once more. Please respond to all ALIPAC activism requests. Taking less than 5 minutes to do this could have a big impact!

Step 1: Visit this link and watch this video please. If you have a YouTube account then vote thumbs up and make a comment...

Step 2: Call the number for Congressman Scott DesJarlais provided on the top of the video and thank him for standing up against Amnesty for illegal aliens. Tell him you plan to support him for his stance and his courageous actions in this video. DesJarlais has heard from angry illegal alien supporters, now he needs to hear from you!

Step 3: Share this video by forwarding emails, making posts on blogs and forums, and on social media like Facebook and Twitter.

Big thanks to the 1,600 of you who took the actions we requested yesterday seriously. Hopefully, the 95% of you who took no action will respond today!

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team