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Stockman: 'Brilliant' Ted Cruz Saved GOP

Never mind all those polls showing the Republican Party and Tea Party’s approval ratings in the gutter: Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) is hailing his home-state senator Ted Cruz as a heroic visionary for leading the Republican push to shut down the government.

In an interview published today, Garth Kant of WorldNetDaily asks the Texas congressman if “Cruz looks more like a psychic or a genius,” to which Stockman responds that “Cruz’s ploy, which was ridiculed by many of the party members, was brilliant; he got 5.5 million names, they now know he is a man of principle, so I think it was smart.” He compared Cruz’s efforts to the Battle of the Alamo: “In every loss, there can be a victory.”

Later in the interview, Stockman floated the conspiracy theory that Obamacare “was designed to drive everybody to single payer and it’s already happening when you have millions of people being dropped from the insurance and forced on the government rolls.” He also falsely claimed that President Obama said “from the outset” of his campaign “that he wanted a single payer [system].”

The congressman said he opposes government funding to fix bugs in the Affordable Care Act’s health care exchanges: “It is like saying my house is burning so we need more gasoline to put the fire out.”
