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Stewart Rhodes Urges 'Real Men' To 'Go Armed To Church' To Fight ISIS

Reacting to an attack on a priest in France and ISIS anti-Christian propaganda, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes this weekend urged “real men” to start showing up at church with multiple weapons and body armor in order to be prepared to fight ISIS.

Commenting on an article by an Oath Keepers blogger titled “WARNING: Christian Churches Must Prepare for Battle with ISIS or Close Their Doors,” Rhodes blasted the “modern, emasculated, French metro-sexuals” at the church in Normandy that suffered the attack.

“But what about here in America?” he asked. “Are there real men in your church? Are they armed and ‘switched on’ during service, to safeguard the church and those who worship inside? Are they morally, psychologically, and physically prepared to close with and kill the enemy when he shows up? This threat is real, and it is going to happen here. A church will be hit. And it might be yours. Get ready. Go armed, in church, and organize your church men’s group into an armed security force for the church.”

He offers several pieces of advice, including:

1. Go armed to church. You must all be armed, since you can’t reason with a jihadist. You can’t “negotiate” with him. The only way to change his mind is with a bullet. I recommend a reliable semi-automatic, high capacity handgun of at least 9mm caliber for that task, such as a Glock or Smith and Wesson M&P, with at least one spare magazine.

2. Carry a backup gun, and/or a no-nonsense fixed blade knife as a backup, carried within easy reach of both your hands (carry it up front near your belt buckle, like this one , this one , this one, or this one ). A fixed blade is superior to a folder, and provides a surer draw and deployment under stress – grab and stab.

3. Have a couple shotguns (at least) discretely hidden within the church but within easy reach of members of the security team and make sure they are well trained in how to use them.

4. Wear soft body armor under your suit . Do keep in mind that if they attack with rifles, such as AK-47s, those rifle rounds will easily defeat soft body armor, and you would need rifle plates to stop that threat, but since it is highly unlikely you are actually going to wear plate armor during service, at the least wear some hidden soft armor. However, dedicated security teams staged outside in vehicles may be able to get away with wearing light-weight minimalist plate carriers and rifle plates.

8. All competent adults in the congregation should be armed . Encourage others in the congregation to also go armed, get trained, and to join the security team. Get them all trained and practiced in working together, and prepare yourselves for what is coming.