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Steve Deace: Trump Campaign 'Is Very Dangerous,' Ben Carson Is A Scam Artist

Conservative talk radio hosts and Ted Cruz supporters Steve Deace and Sandy Rios sat down last week to discuss the state of the presidential race during the National Religious Broadcasters convention, focusing particularly the rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson’s unwillingness to quit the race.

After Rios blasted Trump’s “careless” and “dangerous” campaign tactics – pointing to his veiled threat to the Ricketts family, owners of the Chicago Cubs, after Marlene Ricketts donated millions to an anti-Trump super PAC – Deace suggested that Trump’s election would be something that Satan would do to bring down the United States, warning: “This is very dangerous.”

The two also went after Carson, who has been accused of running his campaign more as a money-making scam that bilks his donors rather than a legitimate political operation, for staying in the race even though he has no chance of winning the GOP nomination, with Deace commenting that Carson “rides in a limo behind his [campaign] bus” and is “not running to win and hasn’t been running to win almost from the very beginning.”

“It’s the worst scam campaign of all time,” Deace said. “He didn’t campaign for the whole week in New Hampshire. I believe he did only a handful of stops in South Carolina. One of the ones he publicized was to a business group and he had to pay to speak to them, by the way. Where is he out on the campaign trail right now?”

Carson, incidentally, was making an appearance at the same conference for religious broadcasters that Rios and Deace were attending.

Deace continued: “He’s not competitive absolutely anywhere. They went on a book tour for months in Iowa, he was on a book tour and didn’t campaign. His campaign actually went out and got a bus with his face on it and drove it around Iowa to make people think that he was campaigning when he wasn’t there.”