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Star Parker: Tea Party Is 'The Last Chapter' Of Fights 'Against Slavery And Racism'

Conservative pundit Star Parker is citing a Pew poll on views of the Tea Party to claim that African Americans are increasingly embracing the right-wing movement and that the Tea Party “message is reaching and beginning to touch black Americans.”

The Pew survey, which was published in October, showed that negative impressions of the Tea Party had actually increased rapidly. Pew found that 49 percent of the public had an unfavorable view of the Tea Party (up from 45 percent in the last poll in June), and the Tea Party’s favorability rating plummeted seven points to 30 percent. 

Positive views of the Tea Party also dropped among black respondents, with its favorability plunging from just 29 percent to 25 percent. In fact, compared to whites and Hispanics, no group has a lower view of the Tea Party than African Americans.

And yet, Parker cites this poll as good news for the Tea Party, which she sees as a continuation of the struggles against slavery and racism.

I reported a few weeks ago that in a recent Pew survey about the tea party, 25 percent of blacks expressed a favorable opinion about the movement – just 6 points less than the favorability rating among whites.

No, I am not hanging out any “Mission Accomplished” banners.

But those who have been working, in good faith, and against aggressive and well-financed opposition, to help black Americans appreciate that their future lies in the ideals of freedom, are starting to see results.

No Americans have suffered more from the improper use of government and abuse of political power than black Americans. No Americans will benefit more from reforms that will permit greater freedom and ownership than black Americans.

The tea party movement, which sprung up from the hearts, minds and common sense of regular working Americans to restore American greatness by refocusing on the ideals of freedom, has touched everyone.

The fact that the message is reaching and beginning to touch black Americans is good news for everyone – maybe most of all blacks themselves.

America is about fighting for freedom. It began with settlers fighting a foreign empire. The struggle continued against slavery and racism.

The tea party is but the latest chapter.