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So Much For That - Mike Heath Drops Gov. Bid

Just yesterday we noted that the American Family Association of New England's Mike Heath had registered to run for Governor of Maine.

Now, just one day later, he's dropping out:

Heath had signed up to run as an independent, which means he would have had to gather 4,000 signatures by June 1. On Wednesday, he released a statement posted on the WCSH-TV Web site.

"On Monday, I decided I would consider becoming a candidate for governor of Maine if I could gather the 4,000 required signatures by June 1. While I would enjoy running, and I'd be honored to serve if elected, I quickly discovered that even the task of circulating petitions is beyond my capacity at this point in my life."


"I must devote myself wholly to the important work of the American Family Association of New England," he said in Wednesday's statement. "I am most excited about our new work here in Maine.

"The decision to put my name out as a potential candidate is wholly mine. I regret any inconvenience this may have caused anyone."

For Heath, "even the task of circulating petitions is beyond my capacity at this point in my life"? 

So how is he going to carry out his mission to "fight against the gay-rights lobby" if he's not even capable of circulating petitions?  

The AFA has got to be really pleased with its decision to put him in charge of their state affiliate right about now.