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Save California Urges Parents To Pull Kids Out Of School Over History Bill

Back in March Right Wing Watch reported on the anti-gay group Save California’s intense hostility to a “sexual brainwashing” bill that would include historical LGBT figures from California in the state’s education curriculum. Randy Thomasson, the head of Save California, predicted that SB 48 will produce “the worst school sexual indoctrination ever” and said that “California public schools are no longer safe places for boys and girls morally.” Commenting on the bill today, Thomasson said that SB 48 smacks of “in-your-face sexual indoctrication [sic] of LGBTIQ role models” and is one more reason for parents to take their children out of the public school system completely:

"Life has consequences. This is what parents get with the Democrats," said President Randy Thomasson. "It's what they get with the teacher unions. It's what they get by believing the lie that people are born 'gay,' when they're not. Or that this is a harmless lifestyle.

"This is what parents get when they place their children in the government school system and say that they have no other options," he continued. "Parents are seeing the tip of the iceberg in SB 48, and they need to wake up to the fact that the public school they went to as a child no longer exists.

"Government schools in California are mandated by more than half a dozens laws already to bring children to think that homosexual, bisexual and transsexual [lifestyles are] good and natural and maybe even for them," he said.

"The battle against this latest in-your-face sexual indoctrication [sic] of LGBTIQ role models is not so much about fighting a mere bill, but about turning on the light for fathers and mothers to realize they need to permanently exit the government system and place their children into the safe havens of church schools or homseschooling," he said.

"The social engineers are already having their way with more than six million boys and girls, with or without SB 48," Thomasson said. "That's why we strongly urge loving parents to rescue their children by permanently removing them from government schools."

"We call on Gov. Brown to prepare to veto this bad bill that greatly disturbs parents, confuses kids, and would flush public schools father down the toilet."