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Satanic Earth-Worshiping Militant Environmentalists are Funding Islamic Terrorism

It had been a while since James Dobson did a series of radio programs designed to terrify his audience about the looming threat of an Islamic take over of the world, and so he has returned to the topic this week with the help of guest Michael Youssef who graciously offered his "Insights on Radical Islam."

And just what sorts of insights did Youssef have for Dobson and his audience?  Well, when Dobson wanted to know why Americans oppose domestic drilling for oil even though our dependence on foreign oil funds terrorism, Youssef explained that it was because lots of people don't love America coupled with the fact that environmentalism is a militant religion no different than Radical Islam, prompting Dobson to declare that "there's something Satanic about this":

Dobson: I have great difficulty understanding why, here in the United States, 300 million people have more or less acquiesced to the refusal to drill our own oil and we remain silent when that's really the core of the finances behind this anger and threat against our country.

Youssef: Well, I just think there are people who don't really love America. Let's just be blunt about it. I think that America is not primary in their thinking. I think sometimes as an immigrant who loves this country so deeply and I look and I see how people who were born in this country not only take it for granted but they literally don't care about it and they don't care about the exceptionalism, they don't care about its future. And therefore the policies are reflected, so many of those people are behind the scenes, we don't see them but they are the policymakers, they write the policy.

Dobson: Are we going to wait until the blow away a city, or two, or three, or four? It just seems to me that there's something Satanic about this.

Youssef: You have another religion also at play here, so it's not just Islam. We have a very fanatic religious people who worship Mother Earth, the environmentalists. They are as militant about their religion and protecting their goddess - and I'm not exaggerating - and therefore, to them, the environment and planet earth is the most important thing to defend. They are not going to allow anything to happen to their goddess - Gaia, the Mother Earth - and therefore, again, this is back in the policy area, all those who are running the EPA and all those folks, they are motivated by a powerful religion called earth worship.