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Sarah Palin Brings America Together By Giving Obama The Latte Salute

Sarah Palin’s Values Voter Summit speech didn’t exactly bring down the house, but she did try her best to weave together right-wing memes about Benghazi, President Obama golfing, Saul Alinsky and the “latte salute” all together into one incoherent mishmash of words.

“It’s time to end the politics of division, the left’s politics of demographics and identity groups and their tactic of distraction,” said the renowned unifier. “The status quo has got to go, united we will be able to stand.”

Palin announced that “the man” is now composed of “Alinsky-lovin’, Orwellian, out-of-touch, command-and-control elitists” who are deliberately causing scandals to distract the American people from the previous scandal they caused:

They distract, bebopin’ from one scandal after another, knowing that there are so many that you can’t keep up with all of ‘em so no one is ever held accountable, from the IRS corruption to you being spied on to Benghazi to bailouts to — Bush’s war was bad, but Barack’s bombs, oh baby those red lines, the strategery there that was thought up on the back nine, Barack’s bombs, oh they’re the bomb.

Which all led up to, of course, the latte salute.

Mysteriously, Palin’s speech did not receive the same level of euphoric applause as her Dr. Seuss re-write or 7-Eleven Big Gulp gimmicks at the other leading conservative conference, CPAC.